playing with puppies while answering fan questions

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bold font = billie
italic font = lillie
underline = question

bold font = billieitalic font = lillieunderline = question

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i'm billie eilish.

i'm lillie eilish.

and we are going to beeee playing with puppies while we answer some of fans questions.


*gasps* hello little baby ohhh.

hello little boy oh you're so cute

(they both have 2 puppies in their laps)

what was the reasoning behind dying your hair different shades of blue?

ok the annoying thing is i hate the colour blue.

but i love it, it's one of my favourite colours.

anyways this bitch convinced me to dye it with her. i remember i just lived with it for a while and then finally i realized i was somebody with coloured hair.

after a while billie wanted to change it to dark grey but she was told that whoever dyed our hair in october used a permanent blue so it wouldn't come out.

i have sat in that stupid salon chair for hours and hours and hours and hours trying to get the blue out and that bitch would not get the fuck out my hair.

what is your songwriting process? how long does it take and how do you come up with lyrics?

for me lyrics are the hardest part. like i'm better at melodys and chords.

and then i'm better at lyrics and i suck at melodys and chords. but lyrics are probably the thing that takes the longest, but it really depends.

ugh i can't even think.

what's the story behind billies old instagram handle, @wherearetheavocados?

6 years ago i wanna say, i was in my house alone. i was making grilled cheese and it was almost done. i wanted some avocados so i opened the fridge and i was like.......where are the avocados?
and in my head i was like that'd be funny if i made that my username, and then i didn't even do it and a couple days later i changed it.

what can we expect from your upcoming coachella set? is there anyone you're excited to see perform?

i'm hella nervous for coachella dude i've literally been have nightmares about it n shit.

it's gonna be crazy it's gonna be super disorienting and scary. but i hope it's fun i hope it's not boring i don't want people just standing there i want people moving.

i'm hyped to see ariana though. bro she's so cuuuute she's so talented i swear to god.

who else is playing coachella? us. i'm excited to see us.

billie & lillie eilish imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now