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Taehyung recently left the company he was working for and was trying to find a job but wasnt able to find one since the company he worked for was big, not that big but big enough to be a hindrance in him finding a job elsewhere. He was looking for jobs on his laptop. He was currently sitting in his rented apartment in Seoul, searching for a job so that he could pay his rent. His parents are pretty well off and would help him, but he honestly did not want to bother them.

While browsing, his eyes fell upon a job opportunity. It was an opening for the position of the secretary for the CEO of Bangtan Corp. Taehyungs eyes widened. He instantly filled in his information and attached his Job Application and sent it to them via an e-mail. He dialled Jimin, his best friend, to give him the news. When he picked up, Taehyung excitedly explained him how he came through the advert for the position. "Wah Tae! That's amazing. Bangtan Corp is like the biggest companies in Seoul. Jimin said excitedly." Taehyung chuckled and muttered, "I know Jimin. I hope I get the job!" Jimin scoffed and said "Of course you will get it babe! You're practically a genius. Don't worry." Taehyung smiled at his best friends encouraging words. Jimin was always there when he needed something.

After he hung up, Taehyung decided to text his other best friend, Jung-Hoseok to tell him about the job. He was happy for Taehyung and wished him luck. It was already seven, so Taehyung decided to order some take-out since he couldn't cook for shit. By 9 Taehyung is done with eating and cleaning his kitchen. He decides to watch Goblin, since it was one of his favourites. He cried while watching the last episode and fell asleep on the couch. For some reason, he woke up in the middle of the night. He drank some water and decided to go to his room, so that he could sleep comfortably on his bed. He was supposed to meet Jimin at the mall tomorrow since Jimin wanted to shop a bit. Jimin was a model. He had recently started working with one of the big companies. Taehyung was really happy for his best friend. Hoseok on the other hand had a dance studio and choreographed for idols sometimes. His friends were pretty successful, unlike him. Despite being smart, he was unemployed. He hoped he got the job.

The next day, Taehyung woke up when his alarm went off at 9. He groaned and got out of bed and stumbled to his bathroom half asleep. He quickly took a shower and got out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist. He stood in front of the mirror in his bathroom and brushed his teeth. After that, he blow-dried his hair and styled it. Afterwards, he got out of the bathroom and picked his outfit. He picked a simple white t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. He grabbed his hoodie and car keys. He locked his door and headed down in the elevator. He lived on the seventh floor. He walked to his car, opened it and sat inside. He shot a text telling Jimin that he was leaving for the mall. He received a text from him saying that he too was leaving.

Taehyung reached the mall in 20 minutes and immediately found a parking spot. He got out of his car and locked it. Then he headed towards the entrance, where Jimin was waiting for him. He immediately spotted his best friend. How couldnt he? His friend had hot pink hair and he was wearing Dior. He scoffed and tapped his best friend on the shoulder. Once Jimin saw Taehyung, his face broke into a huge grin. "Taehyungie! I have missed you! Jimin said loudly." He rolled his eyes and said "We saw each other like two days ago, Jimin". He rolled his eyes and said "You dont love me anymore. Lets go shop now!" Taehyung nodded his head and said "What did you want to buy Jimin?" Jimin smirked at me and said "I wanted to buy some panties and lingerie." Taehyung's eyes widened. "What?! Jimin really?" Jimin raised a brow at him and said "Yes, really. Besides I know you like wearing panties". He winked at me. Taehyung turned red. "That was one time Park Jimin! He just laughed at Taehyung." Taehyung rolled his eyes and followed Jimin to Victoria's Secret.

Taehyung's face turned red when he saw one of the ladies coming up to them and asking "What do you need, sir?" Jimin gave her a charming smile and said "I need to see some lingerie and panties for me." Taehyung's eyes widened and he almost choked on his breath. Taehyung's cheeks turned red in embarrassment. The lady who approached them wasn't any better. He was red. She coughed and said "S-sure. Here are some options for you, sir." Jimin smirked at her and said "Okay. Thank you." The lady walked away from them. Jimin started rummaging through the panties and picked out a few which he liked. He suddenly turned to Taehyung and said "How about you buy a pair or two?" Taehyung shook my head and said "No. Im not buying panties." Jimin just shrugged. And said "Fine. Ill go try these on."

Taehyung just nodded and waited for him by the changing rooms. Taehyung was scrolling through his phone when his phone rang. He frowned when he saw that it was an unknown number. He just shrugged and picked up the phone. He decided to walk out of the store. "Hello?" He spoke on the phone. A man with a deep voice answered. "Hello? Can I please talk to Mr Kim Taehyung? I am speaking from Bangtan Corp." Taehyung froze. He had not expected a call from them. He recovered quickly and replied "This is Kim Taehyung speaking." The man again spoke- "Hello, Mr Kim. I have called to let you know that you are selected for an interview for the position of the secretary of Mr Jeon Taehyungs face broke out into a grin. "Thank you so much for informing me. When is the interview?" Taehyung asked. "The interview is tomorrow at eight sharp in the Bangtan Corp." Taehyung nodded and answered "Okay, I will be there. Thank you so much." After they hang up, Taehyung breaks out into a little victory dance. Thankfully, there werent many people around.

He saw Jimin coming out of the store with two bags in his hand. One of the bags was smaller than the other. When Jimin saw him, he raised a brow at Taehyung. "Why do you suddenly look so happy?" Taehyung giggled and said "I got an interview tomorrow at the Bangtan Corp!" Once Jimin digests the information, he smiles and pulls Taehyung into a hug. "Oh my god! I am so happy for you Tae. Finally you got a job." Taehyung pulled away and smiled at his best friend. "I still havent got it, Jiminie." Jimin shook his head and said "They would be dumb not to pick you. Dont worry, you will get the job!" Taehyung nodded and hoped that he gets the job tomorrow. Jimin pulls him into a store, specifically Gucci and said "Lets buy you an outfit for tomorrow." Taehyungs eyes widened. As much as he loved Gucci, it was too expensive and he would never let his best friend pay for it. He tried to argue with Jimin, but he was unsuccessful. In the end, Jimin ended up buying a shirt, pants and shoes for Taehyung. On their way to the food court for lunch, Taehyung kept on whining about the price of the clothes. After they finished having lunch, it was already three. They decided to go to Taehyungs house so they could hang out. They even invited Hoseok and he agreed since it was Sunday and he was free today.

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