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~ They would never understand. The hurt, the pain--the anger, hatred. The freedom that would come from letting go. But the freedom wasn't worth it. The fear is greater. Every time I'm told to let go, I remember the scars. Some visible, some invisible. It's impossible to let go. The fear is too much, the scars are too large. It's impossible~

- Stop telling me the same thing over and over again. I will never accept it. NEVER. She is the cause of my scars. I know people don't see them. But some scars aren't seen. Which makes them easier to hide. You don't get it. I would rather die than accept it. It's impossible-

Actually, many things are impossible. But many more things are things we say are not possible but are actually very possible.

Scars from the ImpossibleWhere stories live. Discover now