Chapter 1

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"Carrie" I heard my short friendly faced teacher shout. All the class went quiet as heads slowly turned too look at me "Present" I replied.

Before we go any further I think I should tell you a little about myself first, My name is Carrie Brown, My mother and my father split up when I was around Three years old, They never told me the reason why they split up, until when I was around the age of 11 and my mother brought home her new Girlfriend, They're still together and i'm 15 now, 16 next month, so I guess they're doing pretty well. I'm pretty much a loner now because I had friends that I thought were pretty trustworthy at the time, I never wanted everyone knowing that my mum was actually a Lesbian (I'm proud and happy for her now) but knowing me I couldn't keep my mouth shut from my best friends. I told them and my secret spread around the school, now people snigger, laugh and whisper when I walk past, so pretty much, they ruined my life.

The first two periods dragged out but finally 10:35Am arrived, I had 15 minutes of break, Usually in this 15 minutes I get a cake or a cookie as I don't eat much breakfast but as I pulled out my purse too check how much I had for lunch and now, but someone decided it would be funny to knock it out of my hand JUST as I had opened it, my money went flying Everywhere. I guess there's not much I can do now, as everyone was innocently walking it was kicking the money away further...

I give up

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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