A Mothers Love

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(A/N: Ello everybody, this is just something I wrote a while back after rewatching The Greatest Showman, and daydreaming about Anne and Phillips future. I know its short, but, nonetheless, enjoy! ❤️)

 I watch them play in the street, two little girls of six and four, with caramel skin and curly brown hair, just like mine. But the older one has warm brown eyes, while the other has blue, just like Phillip, their father. Their names are Maya, and Delilah.

They make believe, that they are princesses, pirates, even fairies and mermaids, like the ones in the storybook beside their bed, that once was mine. Sometimes they watch us preform in the circus. Other times they stay at home with W.D. He's so good with them, always joining in with their games and answering their questions, no matter how impossible

But Phillip adores them. He's always tossing them in the air, tickling them until they squeal, showing them how to to regognize the stars at night.

And me? I gave them both life, carried them until they where strong enough to live without me, nursed them until they could eat on their own, watched them take their first steps, sang to them, and love them the best I can. I never had a momma to do any of these things, so I'm trying to be the best one I can be to them.

I also fear for them. When they are old enough society probably won't be kind to them, especially Phillip's parents, their grandparents. I don't want my two girls to be hurt like I once was. I don't want anyone to be hurt by the cruel words of small minded people. I also don't want his parents to tear Phillip and I apart. It happened once, and I hope it will never happen again.

I hope, that one day, society will accept them. And let both of these sweet, smart, funny girls live their lives, without being judged for the color of their skin. I hope that, someday, all skin colors will be allowed, to interact, to marry, to have children.

But, for now, I'll just let them be kids, while they have a chance.

(So, yeah, um, thats it. How'd I do? Should I do more Greatest Showman fanfics, and if so, do you have any suggestions for future one's? Let me know! K, bye! For now....)

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