Context~ This chapter is going to be the Ambition paper edited with my professor's comments from the final paper.
Ambition is like a predator going to get its prey, but does not succeed because it is not going to survive. A demotivational paper picturing a bear hunting a fish reads "Ambition." This caption sends the message of trying hard does not mean it is always worth the effort. The poster has a bear getting dinner, but it is about to fall off the cliff. This is ironic because the bear who is all-powerful is about to fall off the cliff yet does not know about it. Also, the bear represents bravery, strength, and power because it is at the top of the food chain. The bear's dinner is out of its element because the fish is out of the water. Even though the bear is not going to survive, it has ambition to get his dinner. This poster does a really good job showing that the bear tried hard to get the fish but regardless of his best efforts he still failed.
Water frothing, a bear clinging on to a cliff trying not to fall, and a fish out of its element. These are all things that illustrates what is going on in the "Ambition" demotivational poster. Firstly, the rushing water suggests the sounds of an aggressive waterfall. The water is falling over the cliff because of the drop. The dropping water goes really deep over the cliff. The smell of fish, trees leaking sap, and moss is the scent of the water. The feeling of the water is similar to the feeling of the waves of an ocean. The taste is similar to the taste of a foul fish. Then, there is a bear who has its mouth open getting reading to catch its dinner. The bear is a medium brown with sharp teeth and is clinging onto the cliff so it will not fall. It has its eyes closed, concentrating on getting dinner, so it will not go hungry. The bear goes for the fish like a cat goes for a mouse. This shows that the bear has ambition to get dinner. The fur of the bear is as softs as a teddy bear. The smell of the bear is a mix of fish, water, and forest vegetation. Lastly, the fish is out of its element because it is going upstream out of the water. The blue and white fish is jumping out of the water incidentally towards the bear's mouth. The fish is really small compared to the bear's mouth. The smell of the fish is foul and noxious. There is not any noise coming from the fish. One final thing about the demotivational poster is the saying "Ambition."
Most predators having the ambition to eat their prey for dinner. Even though the predator has ambition, it is not going to survive the fall of the cliff. Having ambition would lead into trying too hard, which would lead to failure or expenditure of needed energy. So, failure would lead to no food, which would mean the bear would go hungry despite its best efforts. In the real world, someone who tries too hard and fails then causes them give up on their dream, which could lead to depression. Overall, having ambition and trying hard would be worth something down the road.
Case Study as a Writer
No FicciónThis is the process of how much I grew as writer and many other things for a college assignment.