Chapter Twenty-Two

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"YOU GUYS ARE ACTING LIKE BICKERING CHILDREN!!! HOW HARD IS IT TO TELL EACH OTHER THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN YOUR LIFE!? SUCK IT UP AND SAY IT!!!" Theresa shouted causing them to look at her weird.They have been here for 3 hours and no progress was being made. She was now frustrated and stressed. Probably the hardest couple she has ever dealt with. Considering they weren't even a couple. "Ma'am? Are you okay?" Laura asked her. "Yes. I am fine. We have been here for 3 and you guys aren't making any progress." She said rubbing her temples. She has grown tired of the constant fighting, screaming, and trying basically trying to over power the other one. "You two need to come back tomrrow. We are starting something new. Both of you need to cooperate and if not, you two just need individual help!" She said. "Can we get you some water?" He asked. "No!! No! What you can get for me is get along with her!" She said. "Alright calm down." She spoke up. "Calm down!? I am calm! It's like you two are one of those crazy married people who just care so much for one another but don't want to admit it! There's a reason why one of you is with the other one isn't there!?" She asked. "…" Silence occupied the room. They looked at one another. "I've seen cases like this. So there must be a child involved." She said hitting the nail right on the head. "Who's child is it?" She asked. "Mine." She told her.

She smiled. "Well please tell me. Is this child close to Mr.Lynch over here?" She asked. "Yes. For the past month and 2 weeks they have been associating." She said. "How old is the child?" She asked taking notes. "4 years and a month old now." She answered. "Mr.Lynch? Do you have a connection with this child?" She asked. "Well she means alot to me. She is definately kinder, nicer, and sweeter than her mother." He said glaring at her slightly. "We just have this bond where I can tell her anything and everything. She's pretty smart and I just love having her around." He said. "What is it about her mom that sets you off?" She asked. "Well for one, she keeps secrets. I don't understand what's the point in keeping them when their coming out anyway. She lies constantly. I just want the truth." He said sighing. "Mrs.Lynch?" She looked over at her. "Ms.Marano." She corrected her. "Sorry. Ms.Marano. What are you hiding?" She asked. "What I am hiding is that I can't stand him. This is the longest I have stayed present in a room with him. If I stay any longer.  you'll need security in this room." She said. "We need you to be 100% honest Ma'am." She said. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Alright then. Tomrrow for noon. Thank you for your time." She said getting up. She quickly dashed out. "Mr.Lynch? I would like to speak to that little girl." She said. "Alright. When?" He asked."Sometime this week." She said. He nodded. "Thank you." She said as he walked out.

"Okay now back step then slide to the right." Rydel said. "Nice. I got this. It's easy." Katie said as she redid the moves they have been learning the past half hour. She smiled at her. "Your a natural." She said. "Thanks auntie!" She smiled. She smiled bigger. She was making some sense. "You are going down now." She said. "Oh yeah? Grab that controller. Let's do this." She said. She smirked. She played all the just dance games and knows all the moves. "Ready?" She asked. "Ready." She smiled cheekily. "Alright. We'll dance to What About Love- Austin Mahone. " She said. She rolled her eyes. "Okay." She said as the song started. They played. She was getting perfects as auntie was getting good. After the song was over, Katie won as Rydel looked at her in disbelief. "No way you beat me." She said. She smiled. "Of course you don't." She smiled cheekily. "Rematch?" She asked. "Sure. Lets go." She said. They set up to play again. She smirked.

"Rossy. Come on. You haven't been with me lately." She said wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry. It's just I have been really busy." He said giving her a hug. "Busy with what?" She asked pulling back from the hug. "Look. I've had a looong day. I just need to relax." He said. "I can help you". She winked pressing her hands on his chest. "Kacey. I love you but now is not a good time." He said and pulled away from her and laid on his bed. "Baby what's wrong?" She asked. "Nothing. I just need to get some sleep. Tell you what?" He said. She smiled."What?" She asked. "How about we go on a date tonight?" He asked. "Really? Do you promise no Katie this time?" She asked. He tilted his hand and raised an eyebrow. "Your starting to pay way more attention to her than me." She said. He smirked. "Your jealous of a little girl?" He asked. "No. Just your daughter." She mumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "I said no." She said. He pulled her. She giggled. "I said nothing." She smiled. "We'll see about that." He smirked. "Ross…" She laughed. "Fine. I said I was jealous." She lied. "Good girl." He said. "Do I get a reward?" She asked cheekily. "How about we skip the date and hang here for a while?" He licked his lips. "Fine with me." She said turning over and kissing him. He smiled.
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