chapter 1

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September, 1995

"Almost ready love?" Carolina's mum called up the airy stairwell of their little cottage. Nestled in a lush field overgrown with wildflowers in the English countryside, their home was quite quaint. Contained amounts of ivy crept up the chipped white walls and onto the red brick chimney. The crooked flower boxes nailed to the bottom of each little window brimmed with greenery. Though shared by only two, the inside of the cottage was full of life. The herbal scent of brewing tea wafted through the cramped kitchen and into the dining area. Two tabby cats were perched on the window sill gently grooming each other as Carolina's mum took the kettle off of the stove and shifted toward the stairwell .

"Carolina?" she called again.

"I'm coming" Carolina called back down the stairs. Hastily sitting up on her patchwork quilt, Carolina scanned her bedroom for any remaining bits that she may have had forgotten to pack away. It was to be her fifth year at Hogwarts, her home away from home. She buzzed with excitement at the anticipation of seeing her best friends again. She and Hermione had been writing all summer, keeping each other updated and exchanging anecdotes. From what Hermione had written, Carolina figured that she, Ron, and Harry had spent most of the summer at an undisclosed location. Though an invitation had been extended to Carolina, she hadn't wanted to leave her mother for the summer. She knew that her mother got lonely living alone in the countryside during the year, especially since her father had passed, and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. Smiling to herself, Carolina dragged her weathered leather trunk from underneath her bed and buckled it shut. She sighed, not looking forward to the task of lugging it all the way down the stairs.

Before she knew it, her trunk had been loaded into the back of the car and they were on their way to Kings Cross Station. Carolina's mum had insisted she take an entire meal on the car ride as to ensure she wouldn't get hungry, so there she sat, grilled cheese and travel mug filled with rosemary tea in hand. The rolling plains turned into buildings as they made their way closer to London. The two of them laughed and chatted the entire ride, making the most of the last hour of summer break they had together.

As Carolina pulled into the station, a slight sinking feeling graced her gut. She always hated saying goodbye to her mother. Glancing at her slightly teary-eyed mum, she knew that she was thinking the same thing. They unloaded the boot of the car and then paused to look at each other. "Oh Mum, don't cry" Carolina pleaded. Her mother sniffed and smiled.

"Cry? Who, me?"

They laughed. Carolina pulled her mum into a tight embrace. "Safe travels my sweet" she whispered into her ear. Pulling away, Carolina flashed her mum a sad grin.

"I'll be back before you know it" she said softly

"I love you"

"I love you more" and with that, Carolina turned, dragging her trunk behind her and disappeared into the crowd.

"Not possible" she heard her mum call after her. The station was extremely crowded, giving Carolina a slightly claustrophobic feeling. Reaching the infamous brick wall, she had a quick look around and then darted towards it, struggling to keep her trunk off the ground. She easily slipped through the wall and emerged onto platform 9 3/4. The platform was even more busy than the muggle's section of Kings Cross, bustling with Wizarding families. The great Hogwarts Express towered over everyone, gleaming and blowing off little bits of steam. Everyone around her was loading their belongings onto the train and saying their goodbyes. Carolina took a moment to breathe it in. She was back. The pure joy she felt just increased when her eyes stopped on Harry, Ron, and Hermione standing in a huddle, about to board the train. Harry looked up and their eyes met. He broke out into a grin.

"Carolina!" he called. She raced over, or rather moved as quickly as her trunk would allow, to the three of them. Weaving through masses of witches and wizards whilst hauling a heavy truck was actually a quite impressive feat. Excitedly, she melted into Harry's bear hug. He had grown, and she couldn't help but notice how firm his chest felt against hers. Slightly blushing she pulled away but before she could say anything, Hermione grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a hug.

"Hi Hermione" Carolina giggled, breathing in her friend's pleasant scent.

"We missed you C" she replied, beaming.

"Cmon mate, what about me?" Ron said, mocking offense and stretching out his arms.

"Oh shut it Ronald" Carolina laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and putting her head on his chest. He had grown too, even more so than Harry.Ron now stood at over a head taller than her. Pulling away, she slightly cocked her head, trying to shake the weirdly warm feeling that was surfacing in her chest. In an instant it was gone. Relieved, she turned back to her friends, "Catch me up" she said as they headed towards the train.

After finding an empty compartment, endlessly chatting, and filling up on sweets from the trolley, Carolina found herself getting sleepy. No doubt it was the multiple pumpkin pasties she had just inhaled. She leaned her head gently on Hermione's shoulder as the train raced by acres of green. The compartment door slid open with a creak. She picked her head up.

"Well well well" an all too familiar voice drawled. "If it isn't Potter, Weasley, Miss Mudblood, and Short stack." Malfoy

The four simultaneously glared at the figure. For a split second, Carolina stopped glaring to get a good look at him. Like Harry and Ron, he had changed over the summer. His features were sharper and more defined, his shoulders broader, and his hair (if possible) blonder. He had grown so tall that his hair brushed the top of the doorway of the compartment.  "What are you staring at" he said slyly, raising a brow. She feigned a gag and looked away as he smirked.

"Sod off Malfoy" Ron said as Blaise Zabini appeared in the doorway behind Malfoy.

Blaise scanned over the compartment with his dark eyes. "Looks like these little ladies have become women" Blaise remarked as he eyed Hermione's chest. Hermione flushed and covered her chest with her book. Ron scowled.

"I said sod off" he repeated angrily.

"Yes King Weasley" Malfoy said with his signature smirk. He and Blaise backed out of the compartment, Blaise giving Hermione and Carolina one last grin.

"Bloody idiots" Ron frowned as the rest nodded in agreement. This is going to be a long year.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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