Chapter One

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I knew that when I told my parents I didn't want a big twenty-first birthday party like the rest of the girls that they would be upset. However, I also knew that they understood why. Our town isn't like most others as everyone who lives here has a destined soulmate. Or at least that's how the story goes. When a girl turns twenty-one she is supposed to be able to identify her other half by a simple touch. If the boy is also of age then he will immediately respond to her and be filled with so much love and devotion for her that they can never then be separated. I'm not sure I believe in this myth but all the married couples in town sure do say it's real and a lot of people tend to get pregnant exactly nine months after their birthday. Thankfully as I walk into my living room to the "Happy Birthday" cheers I can see it's a family only event. As presents are thrown in my general direction whilst hugs and kisses are given to the air around my face, I can't help but see the looks of pity that are in the glances they are sharing with each other.

Just as I'm about to start saying my thanks to everyone who has come I freeze in my tracks at the two people standing in the far corner of the room. One of them being the very reason my family are trying desperately not to look me in the eyes.

"Hey Birthday girl, you didn't really think we would miss this did you?" I hear Sarah yell, and before I know it she's made it half way across the room throwing her arms around me into a hug that leaves me breathless.

"I told you I didn't want a big fuss made Sarah" I pull back from the hug and force myself not to look at the imposing frame standing behind her. Sarah rolls her eyes at me like I'm insane for even have suggesting not celebrating my birthday with a party when I know she has been counting down the days until her twenty-first birthday since she was ten.

"Your brother told us you were having a family party so we're obviously here"

I turn to see my brother Trey leaning against a wall with a smirk on his face that turns into a full out grin when he sees me glare at him.

"Come on little sis, you didn't really think we wouldn't invite these two idiots to your birthday did you?"

I hear a deep chuckle coming from behind me and I know I can't ignore him any longer. Kayden finally steps towards me and as usual I find my chest start to contract. Me, Kayden and Sarah have been best friends since we were little. The three of us have been inseparable and whilst I'm short and curvy both Kayden and Sarah could be supermodels. It's probably why everyone is adamant that they will confirm they are soulmates on Sarah's birthday. They started dating a year ago and although they have both made an effort not to treat me any differently, nothing has been the same since I first saw them kissing at a friend's party. You see, despite my best efforts I've been in love with Kayden for as long as I remember and everyone in town knows it. Well, everyone except Kayden and Sarah.

"You didn't really think we wouldn't come to see you on your birthday did you little one?" And once again I feel my heart break as her refers to himself and Sarah as a "we". I try my hardest not to let my smile falter but something in my expression must show my pain as his brows start to crinkle in worry. I'm usually better at hiding my feelings but something about today has me feeling like an emotional wreck. Before he can ask me what's wrong the lights dim as my mother comes walking out of the kitchen with a cake full of candles as everyone starts singing and telling me to make a wish. I can't stop myself from looking back at Kayden only to find Sarah's arms wrapped around his waist and her head on his shoulder. I also find that Kayden is still looking at me in confusion and I can't seem to stop the stinging sensation in my eyes as they fill themselves with tears. I quickly excuse myself and flee the room ignoring the concerned expressions on my families' faces. I can see my brother reach for me as I run by him but I make my escape before he can take hold of me. I run out the back door and go straight to my old swing set where I sit down and let the tears fall freely from my eyes. I'm in such a world of my own that I don't even realise I'm not alone anymore as the voice that has captured my dreams for so many years repeats my name, I look up to see him standing right in front of me. I gasp at the tender look in his eyes and use my sleeve to wipe the tears that have fallen onto my cheeks.

"What's wrong little one?"

I continue to gaze up at him and I know that my heart has finally reached the end of how much pain it can take. With a deep breath I ask him the question that I've always been afraid to know the answer to. The question that may very well destroy what's left of my breaking heart.

"Do you think Sarah is your soulmate?"

He looks startled by the directness of my question and it takes him a moment to answer me.

"Honestly little one I don't know. Sarah seems adamant that we will be just like the rest of the town. However, we both know that it's fate that decides our soulmates so we are going to have to just wait and see." After that honest confession I can feel the air grow awkward as we both descend into silence with nothing left to say.

"We best be getting back inside or your brother will send out a search party." I give my eyes another quick wipe and try to sort out the eye liner that I'm sure is now smudged and running down my face. Kayden stands and hold out his hand to me. My breath stills and I can't seem to do anything but stare at his palm.

"Take my hand little one." He lifts his right hand a little higher and as I raise my left I can feel myself tremble because whether Kayden knows it or not this is the moment that will completely shatter all my secret hopes and dreams. With one last breath I place my hand in his and a searing pain takes over me and I can feel myself falling as my legs give out underneath me. Before I hit the ground Kayden's arms circle my waist and pull me into his warmth. As I lean my head against his chest inhale his spicy scent I know my entire life has changed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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