AN. Hi

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Hello guys, just a quick author's note.

I'm a really big fan of werewolf book and I like the idea of loving someone unconditionally.

But in this book I'm writing about someone who doesn't. And let's pride overcome love.

Its almost like now days people divorce over pride or break up over pride. It's not the entire cause of it but it is one.

This is my first time actually dedicated to a book and like I have one other book on my account I started but I kinda dropped it but I'm going to try and pick it up again. But this is my first super serious books.

Updating will be an issue since I have very scetchy hours of me time so please don't get mad.

Also I do take any kind of comments! I support Freedom of speech! 
And to those sweet people who hate offensive comments and wants to defend the person their offending, It's okay, take a breath and walk away! It will be alright!

I do have one thing to say for the comments, their is no use in getting mad at the characters 🤣
If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at me! I created them.

Also good luck battling my grammar skills! I'm trying my very best.

If you want to do a spin off of my book ASK first please! Just don't take my ideas.

If you see a book out there super super similar to mine either written Before or After mine please let me know ASAP! If you find one written before mine 😲 I need to know so I can talk to the author. I won't know if you don't tell me since I can't read ever single Werewolf book ever written. I'm not trying to steal book ideas either.

There might be some triggering shit in here and language. So just a forewarning.

I hope you enjoy the book!

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Love, Lin. (:

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