Landslide/Mountainside Part 1 | Sick Dadzawa + Anxious Todoroki

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Author's Notes:

Part gen z / gen y Mutual Protecc™️ and part absolutely shameless Dabi whump...

Midoriya ends up deeper into mountain rescue training than planned when a landslide separates him from the rest of the class. Luckily, he's got Aizawa and Todoroki with him, but there's something wrong with Aizawa, and Todoroki is acting Strange.

Meanwhile, the LOV is regrouping after a defeat, but it's not going so well with them either!

M rating for language.   If my house had a swear jar it would overflow.  I don't write smut.  I do write graphic descriptions of bodily functions though so don't read this if you have a weak stomach.  Me... I wrote this while eating breakfast.  Why am I like this???

Anyway I hope you like it.  Suggestions welcome. 


Maybe someday, just ONE of these training exercises will go as planned, Izuku Midoriya thought as a huge tree swayed and fell, forcing the students and teachers to scramble for cover.  As if that weren't enough, the impact caused the ground to become unstable, and soon giant chunks of earth began to break loose and tumble down the mountainside.  Midoriya ducked and threw his hands over the back of his head, hoping to protect himself from the sudden onslaught of cascading dirt and rocks.  For just a moment, he wondered if this was part of the exercise somehow, but he quickly erased the thought from his mind.

When at last the ground was still, he slowly stood up and looked around at his new surroundings.  He'd been separated from the rest of the class by the tree, and he was going to need to think quickly if he was going to keep himself self.

Well, not quite the rest of the class.  He looked over his shoulder and saw that Todoroki was standing behind him, equally shaken, but seemingly unharmed.  Up the hill a few meters was Aizawa, crouched and bracing himself on a rock and rubbing his eyes.  Okay, so he wasn't completely alone.

"Daijoubu???" he cried urgently to his remaining companions, looking particularly at Aizawa. 

"I'm not injured," Aizawa murmured, straightening up and surveying the land as Midoriya had.  "Just you two here?  Are either of you hurt?"

"I think everyone else was on the other side of the tree," said Midoriya.  "I'll have a few bruises, probably, but I'm fine," said Midoriya.

"I'm fine," said Todoroki simply.

"Good," said Aizawa.  "Stay close to me.  If the ground's unstable, we have to be ready for another landslide.  If my memory is right, there's a smaller secondary trail down the other side of this outcrop.  We should be able get back to the base of the mountain that way if the way down is intact."  He pulled out his phone and frowned.  "Either of you two have reception?"

Midoriya and Todoroki checked their phones and shook their heads.  "Nothing," said Midoriya.

Aizawa sighed.  "We'll have to trust the others to look after themselves.  Follow me."

For the next hour or so, the three of them worked their way across the treacherous rocky outcrop.  Some sections were separated by huge bluffs they had to scale, and others were lengthy stretches of loose and slippery rocks that made it difficult to keep one's footing.  Todoroki's usual advantage of his cleat-like snow boots was no good on the gravelly substrate that easily gave way underfoot. Repeatedly, each of them lost their balance and hit the ground, and soon everyone's hands were bruised and bloodied from the sharp edges of the shale.  Once, Midoriya slid several meters down the hillside, stopped only when Todoroki quickly flung up a barrier of ice, freezing enough rock in place to halt the smaller boy's plummeting.

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