If I showed you every step I take
Through this journey
You would never doubt me again
You would never once say
"Your to negative"
You would maybe
just maybe
see a light in my eyes in the darkness
a spark
but in reality
you don't really know me
so just step into your own light
instead if getting rid of mine
My love,
When you sleep I dream about you
when I'm awake, your n my mind
so you never leave the home of my demons
but you push them away
so your the only one stays in this home
their are shelves of books
along these walls of this home
to see them
you can't just look
you have to take part in this place
that I always seem to let in in on
don't you dare look away
for you have created majority
read them
the books you have made
3 *trigger warning*
Here we go again
sit and play pretend
set you dollhouses everyone
this is never gonna end
not even the razor blades
said to make it worse
how to I stop
when wanting it is a curse
fake a smile
shine for all those eyes
peering through the window
peering to your pain
from all the things
that make me insane