I Know

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A/N: I've seen so many poems of suicide, sadness, Abuse, Neglect, and being bullied and i wanted to write something to reach out to those souls that feel lost. This is dedicated to them.

I know it hurts to be you

I know you're scared and don't know what to do

I know you have sadness inside your heart

I know their words tear you apart

I know you need to stop the pain

I know you want to sustain

I know your pain, I've felt it too

I know it hurts so much, it cripples you

I know it makes no sense

I know their taunts get intense

I know the hitting leaves a bruise

I know you  try to fight back, but you always lose

I know you go home and weep at night

I know their torment is a horrible plight


I know it can't save you, but my words i will lend

I know its not much, but your scars will mend

I know you're good and your heart is wide

I know you should be full of pride

I know you'll have a life so great, its worth a thousand scars

I know you'll reach so high you'll touch mars

I know you're destined to be great

I know someday you'll find your true life mate

I know it hasn't happened yet, and you wish time would bend

But This... is not the end

"I've felt your pain, I've been there and dwelled in it. Its never over for you. There's always someone out there who will care more about you then you care about yourself. Stay strong" - Han_Man

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