The Start of a New Year

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"Professor, you have yet to tell me where we are heading?"

"Oh, my apologies, Diana. Well you see, we are going to Blytonbury to pick up some people. I believe you heard about the news that there will be some new additions to our staff members."

"Yes, I've heard. If I recall correctly, it has to do with security?"

"You are correct. The people that Mistress Holbrook accepted are from the Demon Slayer Corp. Repeated sightings of demons keep rising all over the world for the past 5 years." said the red-haired professor with a grim look.

"How many people came here, the Demon Slayers I mean?" asks the young blonde, as they reach the end of the Ley Line.

"I'm not quite sure, but there should be at least dozens of them since they would be guarding our school and Blytonbury, both places are quite a large land to cover." They both land at the gate of the Blytonbury train station.

"Professor Chariot, when will they be arriving? And how will we identify them?" the young British girl turns toward the older woman.

"The headmistress said that they all would be wearing a fox mask and - Oh look they're they are!" The older witch points out a group of three, all wearing fox masks with various different markings and patterns, as they got a closer look they saw the three had a certain kind of uniform on, the only difference where the color of their robes, that they wore over their uniforms, they each held a suitcase in one hand and the other hand was resting on the visible handle of their swords, that were securely strapped by the belts on their waists.

"I thought they would look more intimidating, they just look like normal human girls playing dress-up. How are they supposed to protect everyone in Luna Nova AND the citizens of Blytonbury." The two witches thought.

"Are you two the ones that were sent by Luna Nova to pick us up?" Approached the middle girl with the white smiling fox mask with two red stripes under each eye holes and what could be described as a third eye on the forehead, surprising the two witches with her perfect English.

"Y-Yes we are, my name is Chariot Du Nord, and are you perhaps Miss Ats-Atsuki Kika-re?" Utterly butchering the poor girl's name, the older witch cringed at her poor pronunciation. "Please forgive me, I'm horrible at pronouncing foreign names."

"It's alright, and it's Atsuko Kagari but please call me Akko." Giggles the brunette, she gestures to the two girls behind her "This is Chihiro Agatsuma," Bows the masked dirty blond. "And this is Mirai Hashibira" the masked black haired girl only nods. The brunette then turned her attention to the younger witch. "And who might you be?"

The blond witch puts her hand on her chest and proudly states "Diana, Diana Cavendish, the future heir of the Cavendish family. It is a pleasure to meet you, are we waiting for the rest of your team to arrive?"

"Nope, there's only the three of us and we're all good to go." The brunette simply stated.

"Ah, I see, so then, let's all head to the Ley Lina terminal." so the two witches and the mysterious Demon slayers started walking towards the old building on the hill, which was covered by various different plants and vines, and at the top, there is a very old tree, covering the sides of the building with its roots.

As they approached the terminal, they saw a ginger-haired girl carrying a large bag, obviously too heavy for her as she struggled to go up the stairs. The ginger then failed to see the rock in front of her and tripped, as she fell with a startled yelp and closed her eyes shut, bracing herself for impact and inevitable pain of falling face first. Yet the pain never came, curious she opened her eyes, her face only inches away from the hard pavement, she then felt a strong grip around her waist slowly and gently pulling her and setting her on her feet. She turned around to thank her savior, but when she did so, she was face to face or rather face to mask with a masked stranger, she couldn't utter a single word let alone a surprised shriek, she was too engrossed in the beautiful crimson orbs the stranger had for eyes.

Little Demon Slayer [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now