One Last Kiss (One Direction Fanfic)

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Hiya!!!It’s my first book so no judging!!!!Hope you like it!!!! I don’t know if I am going to keep writing cause I feel like I am totally going to fail!! yuppers!!!!

 Ok so Drew is a girl.


Drew’s POV 

“Alex, what are you doing?” I asked. 

“Drew I have always liked you from the moment I saw you,” he answered.

My breath got caught in my throat, he likes me, I thought. I wonder If he knows I like him back?! He was leaning in. Oh my god! He is going to kiss me. His lips brushed over mine, I closed my eyes.

 “Drew get your fat ass up!” Sierra screamed in my ear. I opened my eyes to see my sister hovering over my head.  “Dude really! You just ruined my perfect dream about Alex freaking Gaskarth!” I yelled back.

“Alex Gaskarth sucks balls.” She simply said. I gasped how could she say that about him.  He is absolutely perfect.” You suck balls,” I said.

 “You know who’s perfect?” she said. “Who?” I questioned. “One Direction, they are attractive as crap, their voices are like a mix of Fergie and a Jesus.” Said Sierra. (You gotta love Stepbrothers). “Ugh, take my life now Jesus!” I said. I was getting really annoyed by her.

 “Get out of my room you buttmuncher!” I yelled. She finally left. Yay, now I have to get ready for the hell hole, also known as school. I got up and went straight to my bathroom to take a shower.  The hot water was relaxing my muscles. Once I got out I dried my hair and started to brush my teeth. I was walking to my closet when I heard the awful noise.

 “Sierra I swear to god, if you don’t turn that gay band off I will break your iPod!” She just turned it up even more. I wanted to punch her in the face multiple times right now but that’s not a sisterly thing to do. My parents expect me to be nice and polite to everyone, oh and they want me to have manners? Yeah right. I finished getting ready; I wore dark black skinny jeans with holes in them and a red v-neck. I put my black converse on and put my hair in a messy bun. I applied some mascara and a little eyeliner. You could say I wasn’t a girly girl but I wasn’t a tom boy. I had auburn hair going down to my chest. I am not fat but I’m not super skinny. I am about 5’ 7 and I’m 17. I guess I’m pretty, I don’t think I am but other people do. I headed downstairs, grabbed an apple and left.

Of course I have to walk to school because my stupid sister crashed my car, even though she has her own she decided it was ok to take mine and not look where she was going and run into a freaking stop sign.  I think she needs medicine. I took my phone out and plugged my ear buds in.  Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace was playing. I love that song. I wasn’t looking where I was going and bumped into someone. I looked up to see a pair of sparkling blue eyes gazing into mine.

“Oh my gosh I am so sorry, are you ok?” I asked. “Yeah, sorry that was my fault I wasn’t paying attention,” he said in an accent. “Well I have to get to school so….” I mumbled. “Oh sorry love,” he chuckled.

 Why the heck is there a dude with an accent in Rossford, Ohio? I thought, and what was so funny that made him chuckle. People with accents are weird I thought, except Chris Hemsworth he is not weird at all he is a sexy beast. (They are not weird at all, they are freaking cool with their accents n’ stuff!!) I got to the school after a five minute walk. I walked up to the senior stairs, it’s pretty funny when lower classmen walk on our steps the usually get beat up, but sometimes it’s mean. I walked to my locker to find my best friend Alyssa leaning against it with her eyes closed. She probably shouldn’t keep her eyes closed because anyone could scare her, which anyone being me walked up to her and screamed in her ear. She screamed and probably jumped two feet off the ground.

“Jesus Drew, I almost shit my pants!” she chuckled. I grabbed my books out of my locker and walked to my first class U.S. History which Alyssa was in too. The first bell rand signaling class has started.

 “Hello class my name is Ms. Reynolds please take out your textbooks and open to page 122”. I mentally groaned, I absolutely hate this sub, she actually makes us work. We will probably have a crap load of homework tonight and I don’t want to do it.

 “I hate this class!” yelled Tyler. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. “Mr. Harris do not raise your voice at me or else you will be sent to the principal’s office,” she said strictly. We have hilarious people in our senior class. After history was done I had A.I. (academic intervention). It’s pretty much like a study hall. When I got to the class I saw the groups of people I hate. The blonde bimbos and the jocks.

“Hi Drew,” Heather said sweetly, “you have some slut on your face.” Heather is the captain of the cheerleading team also known as queen bitch. “It looks like someone had an extra bowl of bitch flakes this morning,” I said to her.

“You know you should really put some makeup on to cover up your hideous face,” she hissed. “Well I chose not to because I don’t want to cake my face in makeup and look like a whore, oh wait, that’s you,” I said while leaving the classroom. I heard someone yell “ROASTED”, I laughed at that. After A.I. was done I had lunch with Alyssa.

 I brought a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We got a table closest to the window. “So how was your day so far?” asked Alyssa. “Well other than bumping into Heather it’s been good,” I replied.

I saw the principal stand up on a bench. “Attention students today we will be having special guests, so please after you are done with your lunch go to the gymnasium, “he instructed.

 “Oh my gosh I wonder if it’s All Time Low!” I said excitedly. “If it is I want to lick Rian’s face!” said Alyssa. 


Hope you like it vote .. the video to the side is Animal I Have Become By Three Days Grace 


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