An unexpected Adventure

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Aurelia sat against a grand, old willow tree, staring at the lake that lay before her. The lake reflected the moon that shone dimly in the sky. Stars dotted the pitch black sky. An owl hooted, and wind quietly rustled the boughs of the willow tree. A cold breeze wafted through the air. It seemed to pass through the jacket she wore, and right to her skin. Suddenly, a bright blue light emerged from the lake. Aurelia stood up. A curiosity overtook her, and she wandered to the shore. As the blue light got closer, it seemed to take more and more of a human shape, but stayed the same, glowing blue color. The light's hair was long and flowy, and it drifted about her as if gravity did not affect it. The light got closer. It took the form of a fair woman, her hair floating about her. She wore a dress, long and flowy and the same color as the rest of her.

"Hello, young one." It said. The woman's voice seemed to echo around her, but was still warm.

"Hello?" Aurelia whispered.

"What are you doing out here alone, child." She asked.

"Sitting, dreaming." Aurelia answered.

"I am the water spirit. Although many call me Flow. I am here to for you. Now, what time is it?"

"Around nine I would assume." Aurelia said.

"Now remember that. It will be important." Flow whispered. Aurelia scribbled it down onto a page of her thick notebook.

"What for?" Aurelia wondered.

"You will see. For now, come with me." Aurelia drew back. She did not trust the spirit. "Young one, you will not be gone for long. I promise." Aurelia tentatively reached her hand forward towards the spirit. The spirit launched Aurelia onto her back and rode her underwater. Aurelia struggled to keep her eyes open, as the water rushed into them. She held her breath. They dove further down, and to Aurelia's surprise, down into the sand. They quickly emerged from the water. Aurelia, still clinging to the water spirit's back, looked around. Everything was upside down, the grass was above her, and all the trees dangled from the ground. The water spirit dove to the ground, and gracefully flipped them around right side up.

"Where are we?" Aurelia asked.

"The outskirts of Riverfoot. Home of the Riverfoot hobbits." The spirit answered. Aurelia looked around. Over to her left she spotted a path that led over a hill.

"What's down there?" She asked.

"That is the path to Riverfoot. That is where we head for the beginning of your journey."

"My journey?" Aurelia wondered aloud.

"Yes child, you will understand soon enough."

They headed down the cobblestone path, which indeed led to Riverfoot, a village made up entirely of hobbit holes. Busy hobbits stopped to look at the two. A spirit and a 12 year old girl were not a common paring. Aurelia looked at the strange creatures with great interest. They were about 3 feet tall, and had large, hairy feet. They wore no shoes, and unusual clothing. One wore a long, puffy sleeved shirt with a plaid vest on top, despite the hot weather. The water spirit waved to the hobbits. At the end of the road, where it was much quieter, they stopped. The water spirit pulled Aurelia to the side and knocked on a door that was sticking out of a hill. An old hobbit opened the door, holding his cane in a threatening position. As soon as he saw the spirit, he put the cane down and beckoned her inside. Unsure of what to do, Aurelia stood, waiting for invitation.

"Come come." The spirit told her. Aurelia followed.

Inside the hobbit hole, it was very cozy. The walls were painted an autumnal orange, which was Aurelia's favorite color. She took a seat on a chair next to the water spirit. The old hobbit took a seat opposite them. He cleared his throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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