Class 1-A Sleepover PART 1

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This story takes place in Deku and Bakugo's 2nd year of UA. This AU is the same as the cannon mha, just with a little bit of softbaku. (This is the first story I have ever written on Wattpad so its not going to be amazing. Now let's get on with the first one-shot.

    Author's POV
     It was a regular school day for class 1-A, everything was going as usual like any other day. After training the boys and girls went into separate locker rooms. Everyone was taking showers and changing back into their uniforms to go back to their dorms. There was something off though......

Katsuki's POV
      I was getting out of the shower and changing back into my uniform until I felt eyes on me. I had my usual scowl on while looking for anyone starring at me. I was searching thoroughly but couldn't find anyone. So I brushed it off like nothing and finished getting changed.

??? POV
      I finished getting changed earlier than anyone else so I decided I would go back to my dorm already, until I spotted him changing. I couldn't help myself, he was just to gorgeous. I starred at him for awhile until I noticed a slight shift in his face expression, he looked more angry than usual. I assumed it was because of his zipper on his pants getting stuck, but then he started looking around the room for something or someone. I panicked and turned around quick. I left.
                  {time skip brought to you by baku's left tit~}

Katsuki's POV
        I finally got to the dorm building and took the elevator to my floor. Once I got to my dorm door I opened it and rushed inside, not wanting the other members of the bakusquad to notice me. As soon as I got inside, I headed to my closet and picked out my wolf onesie. (The one shown in the picture above.) Nobody knows that I'm secretly a soft and nice person except for Deku. He found out because I have a TikTok account where I like to post about different things. Sometimes I post about makeup, other times music I like to listen to. One of my latest posts was about my favorite song "Airplane Mode". Anyway he found my account and came to my house, he threw a rock at my window to get my attention, I came out and we talked about my real personality and he swore that he wouldn't tell a soul, unless i was okay with it.

                 (This is the song he is listening to)

     After I changed into my onesie I got out my AirPods and listened to my favorite playlist on Spotify. The first song was "Pretty Girl" by Clairo. (The video above.) I got my belongings out of my backpack and started on my homework. I was on the last page of my English homework when a knock interrupts my music. I panicked! I didn't want anyone to see this side of me! But before I could respond or anything "Shitty hair" came bursting through the door yelling "Hey Bakubro Momo wants everyone in the-"........

Kirishima's POV
         "Hey Bakubro Momo wants everyone in the-"......wait......... WHAT?!?!?!....... What is Bakubro wearing? Out of everybody I know, he would be the least expected to wear something so....... adorable. I notice him looking down at himself then looking back at me, for a quick second I thought I saw fear in his eyes, but that thought quickly disappeared after he yelled "GET THE F*CK OUT SHITTY HAIR!!!" Before I could move he pushed me out and slammed the door on me. I waited for a few seconds before saying "I just wanted to let you know that Momo wants everyone in the common room...." it was nothing but silence till I heard a very faint "...tch.....fine." From the other side of the door. I discreetly did a pumping fist motion with my hand, while mouthing the words "YES!" After I did my happy dance (UwU) I went to the common room like I mentioned to Bakubro.

Katsuki's POV
  After that incident with Kirishima I had to gather my thoughts and change into some ugly but comfy clothes. I had a black tank top, with a Skull in the middle, on. And a pair of black sweat pants. I then headed down to the common room to find everybody in class 1-A down there waiting for me to arrive. (Mineta never passed the exam, instead Shinso replaced him.) I sat down on the couch and Momo started to talk "So I was thinking since our class had never actually had bonding time besides training and school, I think we should all have a sleepover at my place. My parents are gone for the weekend on a business trip and tomorrow is Saturday so we can have more time to hang out." The first to say something was Hagakure. She said that she couldn't come because she had plans. A few others chimed in saying that they were busy also. They only people that were left, that could come were the BakuSquad, the DekuSquad, and Shinso. They all said that they were excited to come. And of course, like always Kirishima begged me to come. I secretly wanted to come but I had to act like I didn't, because I did not want anyone else to know about my personality, I'm afraid they will say stuff like "Boys don't wear makeup" or "Boys shouldn't like other boys" like my grandmother once said when I was 7. Soon Kirishima "convinced" me like usual and now I'm going to a sleepover tomorrow night with my crush. I haven't had a sleepover with Deku since we were 6, to be honest I was nervous and scared.

                               {another time

(Still Katsuki's POV)
            After supper Kirishima told me his plans to take him and I in his new car, to Momo's place, Saturday. I skeptically agreed. Once I got back to my dorm it was 8:20 , almost my bedtime. I changed into different pjs, than the onesie I had on earlier because I was going to save that for tomorrow night, I'm assuming we're all sleeping in different rooms because Momo is filthy rich. I was wearing my All Might pajamas tonight, Deku isn't the only fanboy. I then put my hair back and did my skincare routine and then headed to bed. I drifted slowly asleep, letting the darkness take over me.

                    (That's what he is wearing)^^^

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                    (That's what he is wearing)^^^

Hey everyone! I hoped you liked Part 1. Part 2 will be out soon l, it is currently 12:27 Am and I have school tmr....... well today.... Anyways, i have to gts so bye, goodnight!!! 🖤🤍

1130 words

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