reasons to keep it up

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- the feeling when you drink ice cold water on a hot day

- walks on the beach

- dancing alone in your room to your favorite song

- meeting your online best friend in person

-^ being able to hear their voice

- getting a new favorite song

- spending time with that one person in the world who knows you better then you do and will do anything to keep you happy

- being able to do something you've always wanted to do

- visiting a place you miss or knowing you will soon or in the future

- having a new friend/making them when your to shy to and they just come to you

- watching your favorite movie that you've seen so many times but you love it to much to stop

- all the pets you will get in the future or the ones you have right now

- cringy childhood memories that you will look back on and laugh (or don't I have some that make me want to kill myself)

- doing something you love

- getting to look back and say I am really glad I never ended it

- the felling of not cutting for a long time (I have friends who told me this is a good one a lot of them and I'm worried but uh I don't cut personally)

- being able to love yourself because you're amazing

- being able to look in the mirror and say I love the way I look

I hope this book helps also I have some more so don't leave yet

- staying up all night talking to a friend who just knows you like the back of their hand

- being able to smile and know it's genuine

- being able to laugh and loving it

- loving your voice (this is just a me thing I want to pretend I love it)

- reading a new book

- finding a new favorite book

- reading a old book you feel like you lived in and was in that world and never get sick of

- being able to feel like your loved

- there is always at least one person who cares about you please don't end it

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