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Jittery feeling 'cause FIRST BOOK DUDE. Okay, I hope you enjoy the story! :) but, from the books that I've read, this is so far the only book that has a long ass prologue hahahahahahahah *please bear with me*.

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I looked into his eyes, searching for emotion, for anything. But all I saw was a cold glare.

Depths of blue stared into these golden orbs of mine.

I don't deserve this. He doesn't deserve me.

But this undeniable attraction, this delicious pull everytime I look at him, this I cannot ignore. I knew from the moment I saw him, he was mine, and so I was his.

Like a predator, he watched me intently, gauging my reaction in each thundering step he makes towards me. I instinctively moved backwards; unassuming and weak preys like me have the very right to shake in fear. But his eyes never lingered in my face, it travelled slowly and languidly down my body, no doubt imagining what his prey would taste like.

I shook. But not in fear. It was like his stare licked my very existence, I tried to move to make his eyes pull away from me, but I felt my body harden, like I was trapped in his stare. Just his stare and my body reacts like this.

"Undress. Now." His deep baritone voice slid down my spine, and the pool of wetness that was between my legs were doubled, no, tripled.

No, you're about to be mated to another, my subconscious said.

And leave my mate? No way human, my wolf argued.

Before I could break the internal battle between myself and the beast inside me, I felt a shock in my chin as my head tipped upwards. My mate demanded my attention.

"Don't deny me, mate. I can feel your sweet arousal teasing me and the monster." He growled and skimmed his nose in my neck, inhaling deeply like my scent was the only source of air left.

Tingles. Shock. Pleasure. Arousal.

"N-no." I weakly protested. My hands lightly pushed the hard wall of flesh in front of me, my knees bucked at the contact at the instance I touched the fabric that was separating me and his chest.

In the blink of an eye, I was trapped, not just in his gaze, but also in his arms. I felt every contour, every muscle in his body in my fingertips, my hands itched to touch every single inch of his--

"Don't act like you don't want me, mate. We both know you do." His chest rumbled softly as he purred in my ear. I can't see his face, but I knew the moment he opened his mouth and licked my neck, I'd fall apart. My resolution broke. Words of denial that was once organized in my brain were vanished.

"This is where the beast will put his mark. Where I will put my mark."

Desire reigned victory than sanity. My vision clouded in lust. Passion imbedded in my brain. Love warmed my heart.

No. This isn't supposed to happen, even if he's my mate. I can't love a monster.

"Dada, what's a mate?"

"A mate? It's a monster that will kill anyone who dares to inflict pain on his other half. Even the most weakest man can become a beast for his mate. Tell me baby, does Dada look like he can kill a man?"

"No! Dada is not bad! Dada is good! Very good!" A small girl with brown curls bounced in frustration, mad at the thought of someone labeling her father a murderer.

"But baby, that's where you're wrong. Dada killed a lot of people. Someone tried to steal Mama from Dada and Dada became a monster, an unstoppable killing machine."

"Dada, no!" The child's small frame shook in fear, pictures of her father killing a person danced in her wild imagination. The man she calls Dada hugged her, soothing his crying daughter with words of comfort.

"But darling, did you know what made Dada kill people?"

His daughter shook her head in negation.

"Because the mere thought of losing Mama, made Dada insane. Like Dada wanted to die."

"Oh no Dada! Don't die!" With the early crying episode gone, the little girl quickly hugged her father, afraid of him leaving her.

Her Dada chuckled. "I will never leave you and Mama, baby. I'm just telling you, that's what it feels like to lose a mate. You'll feel so empty, so emotionless, so--"

"Sad?" The little girl looked up to her father in curiosity.

"Yes baby, very very sad."

With the last fleeting thought of my father and I, I was renewed. My determination to escape in my mate's arms were reborn.

I must escape. I must leave him.

But how do you unlove a monster?

The very monster who'll complete your existence?

The very monster you're destined to be with forever?
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Oh god. So, how bad was I?

I'm sorry if I have a lot of grammar/spelling mistakes cuz I honestly don't know how to write a book. But if you do find a mistake, please tell me politely, it's highly recommended :)

Oh, and by the way, this story has nothing to do angels or demons. It's just that the urge to use metaphors were so strong, and the feels are intense so DAS Y.

Please do comment anything, and I mean anything. I'm not one to dig for compliments but please tell me if you liked my story, it's duly appreciated. Also, don't be shy and message me, I don't bite *wenk*, and a light conversation with you will be very nice.

Hit the star icon if you liked it :)

I love you people, like seryesleh.

All Rights Reserved.


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