I must be an emotional archaeologist because I keep looking for the roots of things, particularly the roots of behaviour and why I feel certain ways about certain things. I know I'm weird. But I'm still learning to love that about myself.
My heart has always beat thunderstorms instead of blood. I am paradox. I want to be happy, but I think of things that make me sad. I crave for attention, but reject it when it comes my way. I am a complicated contradiction so please forgive me if I don't believe your compliments right away and judge your intentions.
I am a hopeless romantic that can hopefully, one day live the fairytale that I've been playing in my heart.
I hope one I can find you and see that love was with you all along. And if it's about you then your name echos in my heartbeat. If it's about you my entire sky craves only your star. If it's about you I tried to write about your eyes but I ran out of cliches, if it's about you I tried to say you plainly but there wasn't enough truth. Whoever inveted this language didn't anticipate you. If it's about you I will always carry you inside outside on my fingertips and at brain edges and in centers of what I am of what remains.
And if it works we can both learn to speak love. Please forgive me if I stare at you for to long, I'm just paying attention to the smaller details of the bigger picture know our love was never happenstance or coincidence. Love is the whole thing, we are only pieces.
One day I hope you trace the curve of my spine with your fingertips. All I ever wanted was to fold myself, into someone who heralded unspoken thoughts and a messenger of words. I will try to teach my tongue the language of love. And on the topic of love the beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our image. Otherwise we only love the reflection of course we find in them.
I just want to know everything about you. I'm going to be infatuated by you. I just want to see you in entirely. I know that all the happiness I'm looking for will stem from you. I invite you to touch me delicately as days go by. You may appear messy and raw right now, but you are a masterpiece in the making.