Irene threw their hair back and darted into the expansive forest, their robes trailing off into the never ending abyss. Nothing mattered to them anymore. They had betrayed their family and watched them burn in a flame they had created themself. Why... why did I do it? I didn't want to... I didn't MEAN to... They attempted to reason with themselves. Dark scars were stapled to their face where a happy facade would once reside. Not even lies could cover for them at this point. Their regrets echoed in their mind and tore through the safety they longed for, and although it was their fault they refused to believe in such for too long. Their bodies would be long gone by now, they were sure of it. They were running, but from what? What was the point? No one would care about some delinquent fleeing from the murder of their entire family in this day. It was only natural here. Instead, here in the tangled forest, the only idea one was forced to run from was themselves. No authority. No cares. Just living with yourself after killing everyone you love. Not that it mattered, that was. Their family brought it upon themselves, afterall. They had attempted to- No. I can't go back. I can't remember what they did to me... to everyone. Irene stopped. They glanced down at the bubbling welts that seared as if satan had struck them herself. They had to ignore it no matter what. Their light footsteps gently echoed through the clearing, fading off behind them... never to be seen by the society they knew again.