Chapter 1: Blossom out

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All he knew was that he was ready. Ready to leave his mum's house, even though she was the sweetest woman on earth, bless her. He was ready to maybe finally be someone. Someone with a personality, someone with a bunch of friends, just someone. Harry had always been lowkey, he had his two or three friends and he hadn't been particularly engaged in doing anything really, he had never joined a team or had signed up for interesting activities. But overall it hadn't been a sad life. But he hadn't been and still wasn't fulfilled. He wanted more out of life, was that too much to ask? His plan was to go to university in London, find a nice group of friends, sign up for some interesting courses and activities and maybe make something out of his life. He didn't want to look back at his university years the way he looked back at his school years, with regret. 

He had decided to come all by himself, he really did love his mum but there were some things in life you had to do on your own. The campus was massive, and his dorm room was located perfectly in the middle of the university building and a bunch of coffee shops and restaurants. He had requested a single dorm room, he did want to make friends, but he also needn't some space from time to time, he was an introvert after all. The interior design wasn't spectacular, but he already planned on hanging up some pictures and buying some plants to make the space feel more like a home. He was into that kind of stuff.

After he had gotten rid of all of his belongings and had taken a shower, Harry decided to explore the campus some more, he was a sucker for coffee and right now he could definitely use one from one of the coffee shops. He threw on one of his old band tees and slipped on his fake leather boots that his sister despised. Not everyone in the family could be so fashionable as him, he guessed. Sorry, Gemma.

The campus was still sort of deserted when he walked along the huge football field, but he hadn't expected to make friends on his first day anyways. It would have been nice though, he did feel kind of alone at the moment, without his mum or his sister there. He decided that being an adult sucked and wished that he could've stayed in school, leading his boring yet stable and predictable life. It wasn't even guaranteed that he would live this awesome new life that he had dreamed of, what if he wouldn't find any friends? What if his literature courses would suck? Why was he even doing that, he had gotten the offer to work full time in the bakery that he occasionally had helped out in. But oh well, he was here now, wasn't he?

Harry stepped into the coffee shop that was, thank god, not as deserted as the rest of the campus. A bunch of students were sat around the cozy looking tables, drinking their hot beverages, either studying or chatting with their friends. He knew that this would most definitely become his favorite spot on campus and hopefully he could come here with the friends that he was yet to make. None of the people in the coffee shop looked like they wanted to be chatted up by him though and he was too shy to do that anyways. Although, saying that he was shy probably wasn't the best description, more like socially anxious and awkward.

He was just staring at the different cakes displayed behind a glass window when he felt something hot spilling on him.

"What the fuck?", Harry nearly screamed, knowing that he was being overly dramatic but he couldn't help it, the coffee stain on his arm was burning him.

"Fucking hell, m' so sorry mate", exclaimed a blonde dude with a panicked expression on his face.

"I'm so clumsy, it's ridiculous, I'm sorry, I can wash that for you", continued the stranger and Harry couldn't help but giggle seeing how stressed he looked.

"No worries, at least now I smell like coffee", said Harry, instantly regretting saying something so weird. The guy looked at him for a second before he irrupted in laughter.

"Good one, always look on the bright side, eh?", joked the guy with a happy smile on his face.

"I'm Niall."

"Nice to meet you Niall, I'm Harry", said Harry and smiled back at Niall.

"But still, I wanna make it up to you, let me buy you a coffee, have you got any plans? We can hang out, you look like you're new here", said Niall with an understanding smile on his face.

"I would love that."

They ordered their coffees and made their way out of the coffee shop. Harry instantly felt happy and calm in Niall's presence which he took as a good sign, he rarely felt that way around new people.

"So, young Harry, tell me, what are you studying?"

"Literature, I'm only starting on Monday, so we'll see how that goes."

"No worries, studying and university seem way scarier than they eventually are", said Niall with a reassuring smile on his face.

"I'm in my second year, I'm doing music production, I love it", continued Niall and Harry was slightly impressed. He had always loved music but had been too scared to actually try and make a career out of it.

"That's sick, do you play any instruments?", asked Harry and Niall started laughing.

"Of course, kid, what do you think? I'm playing the guitar, the piano and I sing, and we work a lot with different music production tools on the computer, I'll show you some soon."

Harry felt content knowing that Niall could possibly become a regular friend and not just someone who felt the need to buy him a coffee because he had spilled his on him.

"Sounds good! Where are you from by the way? I can definitely hear an accent there, Ireland?"

"Yup, I'm from a small town called Mullingar, you probably have never heard of it. What about you, are you form around here?", asked Niall.

"Nope, I'm from Cheshire, Holmes Chapel, you probably have never heard of that either", grinned Harry.

They were walking along the football field that Harry had passed on his way to the coffee shop, but this time it wasn't deserted. A couple of guys in jerseys, probably the football team of the university, were stretching and chatting with each other, looking happy to be back on the field after the break. Harry heard a high-pitched laugh and to say it wasn't the most angelic thing that he had ever heard was a lie. He looked for the source of the noise and saw an impossibly petite guy who had the number 28 on his back. He had feathery brown hair, that were sticking to his forehead right now. Harry was truly mesmerized by his beauty even though he was only seeing him from at least 20 feet away. He heard Niall ask him something from the distance, but he couldn't possibly concentrate on Niall when this actual angel was in front of him.

Out of the sudden everything turned black and Harry felt at throbbing pain in his forehead. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a concerned looking Niall sitting next to him.

"You good mate? You walked against the streetlamp", asked Niall, still looking concerned.

"Yeah sure, just got a bit distracted", said Harry, looking out for the beautiful football player again. But he was gone.

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