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[ This ship was commented by SyeshaNee . I hope you enjoy the chapter. And to all of mah readers, I hope you enjoy this chapter too.]

Cold. It's cold inside Natsu's room, of course with the ac on. But Shoyo didn't know his sister's using the ac in a high mode. But she'll probably wake up if he put it in low mode, so he let it be and sink in more in the bed beside his sister. Natsu, yet again, is having nightmares and is crying because she's having those dreams like what she had when they're still in the training camp. Him getting tortured, getting punched, getting slapped, the things that hurt her feelings.

While Shoyo's patting her back, she looked up at him, " Onii-chan." she called. Looking down, he hummed in response, " Hm? is there something wrong, hun?"

" Do dreams come true?" she asked, her small arms wrapping around his torso as she buried her face in her brother's chest, " Do they?"

" Some dreams come true, some don't. Let's simply put it like that. Why did you ask, hun?" he asked, caressing Natsu's orange baby hair.

" Nothing. I just want to know, Onii-chan. I just don't want my dreams to come true." she said, her voice trailing off as she slowly doze off.

Even though Natsu can't see it, Shoyo smiled warmly, " They won't. Let's just sleep, okay? Onii-chan is here so just wake Onii-chan up if there's something wrong, okay?"

Without any words, Natsu could only nod her head, her arms slump around him, small peaceful snore escaped her. Dozing off, Shoyo decided to sleep too, his arms protectively around his baby sister.

The next day, Natsu was the first one to get up. She had a nightmare but she didn't wake her brother up. Instead, she went downstairs to prepare breakfast for her big brother. She noticed her brother busier than usual. Cleaning the house, cooking food for him and her, going to school of course. And after a year, she finally got to see her brother's boyfriends. She's really happy for her big brother. So in return, she'll be making Shoyo's favorite food, Tamago Kake Gohan.

Yawning, Shoyo walked downstairs where he smelled the mouth watering smell coming from the kitchen. Running to the kitchen, he saw Natsu standing on the chair, leaning her body forward with chopsticks in hand. She looks really cute there.

" Natsu? hun why did you not wake me up?" he asked, walking towards his baby sister, kissing her forehead softly.

" 'Cause I don't want to! and I want to cook Onii-chan's favorite food!" she said, which melted the heart of the ginger head. How sweet. He cooed to himself. He patted her head and walked towards the coffee dispenser to get coffee. [ of course ]

Today's Saturday, right? he asked to himself, looking up at the calendar to check the date, It is Saturday. What should we do? he asked to himself again, thinking of any entertainment that they can do for the day. Suddenly, an idea popped in his mind. He turned to the little ginger who is busy cooking the egg, and called her, " Natsu-chan."

Walking down the sidewalk, Shoyo watched as his sister skip ahead of him, " I'm really excited! I really want to see Noya-chan's rolling thunder!" she cheered happily.

" Careful, hun. Look at where you're going or you'll fall." He said, hurrying beside her. After some time, they finally arrived at their destination. The school was quiet but the gym's not. It's been a while. He look up, glancing around to see if any changes happened in his previous school. But nothing changed. The school, the gym, the bike rack, it's all just the same. But the atmosphere did. Unlike last year, when he entered the school, everything felt at ease. Unlike last year that he felt so gloomy and lonely that the air itself was suffocating him.

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