prologue part 1: welcome to the show

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Hope's Peak Academy, an infamous school with a reputation of killing games, and known to be tied with the devious Junko Enoshima. It was an almost elitist place to study, everyone there was the best at something. I'm thankful I'm not, so that I will never have to go there, because my name is-

"huh?" I rubbed my eyes, my head was pounding and I couldn't move. As my vision cleared, I noticed three slits of yellowish light in the bluish-grey wall in front of me. I was in a locker.

Without too much thinking, I slammed my body onto the door, and after a few tries it gave way. I couldn't catch my footing on the way out and fell face first to the ground.

When I looked up, I saw a spear begin to fly at my face, just giving me enough time to dodge it. 'what the hell?' I thought, as more spears were fired at me, I began running around the classroom until I found a note attached to a mask, not having any time to read it, I grabbed it and ran back into the locker.

'what kind of school is this?' I thought, panting as I held the note up to the three slits of light. In neat handwriting it read,

'put the mask on, it'll save your life, this is your new identity,'

New identity? What about my real one? What.... Is my real one? I panicked, not being able to recall my name, and looked at the mask, it was plain white and had a pink flower in the middle, there were holes for my eyes, nose and mouth so I was thankful that they'd at least let me breathe, I put the mask on and slowly stepped out of the locker again.

Sure enough, no spears were fired, I looked around at what damage my previous attempt at leaving had done, there were spears jutting out of the floor like... Some spikes sticking out of the floor. (I can't think of a simile help)

Suddenly, an announcement played over a miraculously untouched speaker, "all students please report to the gym for an announcement!" the voice was high pitched, excited and honestly sounded like the owner needed a cough drop, but I did as it said anyways.

Once inside the gym, I noticed about 15 others follow me in. Each of them were wearing masks similar to mine, but with different symbols.

Glancing over at the stage, I noticed a black and white bear sat down. One side of said bear was white and looked fairly normal, however the other was black and had a red eye in a shape I couldn't name.

"Oh boy, is that everyone?" came the voice I had heard earlier, "I wasn't expecting this many of you to figure it out,"

Where there more of us?

"well anyways, I hope you like what's on your mask, since that's your new name!" the bear continued.

"hey, wait a second, what about our old names?" a boy piped up from near the back of the group, I looked at his mask, the symbol in the centre was a leaf, so I guess that was his name.

"I know what they are, but do you?" The bear asked condescendingly, Leaf put up his hand to say something then put it back down, it gave me slight comfort to know that I wasn't the only one with no memories.

"what do we do when a body is found? Is it like a game of last man standing? I'm not sure if I can cope with that." the shaking girl next to me said, her voice was so quiet the only reason I could hear her was because I was next to her. Her mask had a star on it.

"I'm getting to that part!" Monokuma said quite loudly, making Star jump. "when a body is found, you will all be given time to investigate, then we'll hold a class trial to determine who the killer is! If you guess right, the killer will be punished, but guess wrong and the killer will walk free and the rest of you will be punished."
Monokuma said in a sing-song tone.

A hand was raised at the back. Everyone instantly turned to look at a boy with a cloud on his mask. "Cloud, you don't need to raise your hand." a boy with dark messy hair and a window on his mask said, he deeply contrasted the blonde boy next to him.
"sorry, um what do you mean by punishment?" he sounded kind of awkward when he answered, like he couldn't quite think of the right phrase even though I thought he said it just fine.

"you'll have to wait and see," Monokuma leaned over, "I wouldn't want to ruin the fun now would I? Anyways, you are all dismissed, if you have any more questions, there'll be some E-handbooks in your dorm rooms, oh and one more thing... Never mind, off you go!" the bear jumped back behind his podium and disappeared.

As he had instructed, everyone separated.

(oof first prologue part done, these updates might be slow bc I'm not a fast writer but still, also what do you guys think? I like reading comments don't @ me also character introductions yay! I'll try and draw them. Also also I know Monokuma doesn't exactly get introduced but oh well) word count: 912

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