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Welcome to A Fighter's Story! This is the daytime counterpart of Bea's Revenge! (Sorry if it's nighttime for you- XD)

I have a few tags. I know one of these users has to go to sleep when I wake up, so I'll have multiple mains for certain characters.
Burnmybread345 (on at nighttime and slightly in the morning for me
Ignem12 (take your time. I know college sucks)
edge67 (possibly...? Idk your schedule XD)

So, I know Bread will want to main all the Kalos Gym Leaders, but I'll need daytime mains, too, for certain ones. Like Korri, for example.

... Ships. I have a few multi shipping ones. Here are my OTPs:
• ObsidianShipping
• RollerKarateShipping
• CalmKarateShipping
• One threesome that I will not explain, but I'll know who SHOULD know it.

That's basically it for now. Bye guys!

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