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"You're my right hand, Kaya."
"And I'll be loyal with you until the end."
"I know. That's why I'm going to ask this of you, and you must not tell anybody else."
"I'd do anything for you. For the revolution."
"I know, and that's why I need you to do this. Take him out."

Kaya walked down the hall, sixteen and fresh out of school. Eager for change. Tired of the system she was born into. She'd gotten herself a nice job here, muscle for a few of the important figures campaigning for this revolution. By eighteen she'd climbed the ranks, becoming almost friends with all the key players as she worked as their guard.

She most often guarded Veda, one of the members of the king's council and second to him. Warrick was their king, their leader, their hero. She'd never say but Kaya was the smartest of all of them. Handpicked by Warrick as his second, the one he always got advice from. As her guard, Kaya had always attended her speeches and the way she described the world she wanted was nothing but appealing. Every year the revolution gained more and more and anyone with eyes could see that Veda played a big part in that. She designed posters, held speeches, got together teams to go into the community and start fixing it as best they could. She gathered funds for bail and resources like food and housing. She was nothing short of impressive.

Kaya had spent so many nights in Veda's room, watching her write letters upon letters to people. Every so often she'd look up and ask her if the spelling of something was correct, it always was. But she was also kind to her. When she discovered she was sleeping on the street, the rebellion didn't exactly bring in a lot of money, she set her up a room within the headquarters. It was disguised as an office building, paperwork was being filed but it was not exactly taxes.

So that fateful night when Veda had called her over to her bedside, Kaya hadn't known what to expect. She sat across from her as Veda grabbed her hands, "You're my right hand Kaya." The conversation had continued as she'd remembered it. A lot had changed over the two years since she'd joined the rebellion and the four years since that conversation, but she remembered every word spoken that night. She hadn't understood. "Who?" Veda smiled, "Warrick."

She'd pulled away but hadn't let go of her hands. She couldn't understand. How had Veda come to this conclusion? Of course, she explained, "Warrick has grown comfortable with this state of fighting we've created. He no longer seeks revolution, he is perfectly fine where we are. It's no secret the government has been trying to pay him off, except now I think he might have accepted it. He no longer listens to me or any of us. He rarely hold meetings. You're the only one I trust with this task." She reached over and retrieved something wrapped in cloth from her nightstand. She unwrapped it to reveal a gun and what she recognized as a silencer on it. She wasn't done. She reached over once more and retrieved a small knife. "I hope you can guess what happens if you are caught?" She nodded, taking the weapons in her hands carefully. She'd killed in defense of Veda before, now it was offensive. But she believed Veda would make a great leader, if Warrick was stifling the revolution then he had to be removed.

"He has a night guard who stands inside the door, which is locked. He is not to be disturbed until his day guard arrives around breakfast when he wakes. Can you do it, Kaya?" There was no doubt about it. She'd been here two years and before that she'd taken ever combat course she could get her hands on. She wasn't allowed to guard someone as important as a council member, let alone the one who would inherit the crown, because she was decent at her job. "Of course, ma'am. When?" Veda nodded, "I was hoping tonight." It was unexpected but smart. By letting her know moments before there was no time for reconsideration and it was unlikely she'd slip up during the day. She tucked the gun into her waistband and the knife into her coat pocket.

"Would you like me to return here after it's done?" She watched Veda as she stood beside the bed. She was the smartest woman she knew. Warrick must go. He would be found murdered in the morning, maybe she'd dump them out the window or something, but she would not be discovered. There would be no power struggle as Veda would take the throne. All was planned out. She believed in this. She believed in Veda. "Yes. Knock twice and then return to your room, so I know it has been done." She gave her a final nod and quickly left the room.

It was easier than expected, actually. She picked the lock without alerting the night guard. She entered the room and when he turned the corner to stop her she stabbed him in the throat, holding a hand over his mouth as she forced him to the floor, keeping the blood off her clothes as she waited for him to die. It was less than a minute. She moved to the bed, aiming the gun at Warrick, his back to her. She didn't have time to reconsider. She shot him, the bullet was silent and he didn't move. She knew he was dead because his muscles had released, letting go of everything inside him. She checked herself for blood, wiping the blood from the knife on the comforter and putting it back on her coat. She stepped over the guard, careful of the blood pooled on the floor.

She listened for footsteps before she slipped out of the room. She was home free now. Successful. She tucked her hands in her pockets as she moved past Veda's room. She knocked twice on her way past and then returned to her own room as instructed. She showered quickly and double and triple checked her clothes for blood. Blood in her coat pockets from the knife and her hands. Great. She hung it out the window and let it burn, hanging off the edge of the curtain rod. Once it was mostly gone she finished it off in her shower, letting the water wash the ashes down the drain as she climbed onto the sink and removed a ceiling tile where she deposited the knife and the gun. She'd never had to hide her weapons before but now she was on the offensive. While justified, not all would see it that way.

That was her fatal mistake. Now Veda had her in her hands. She wouldn't done anything for her and now she knew that. And, just as the power and comfort of king had grown on Warrick, so did it Veda. Except she waged war on the government before getting comfortable, and by god she won. Her perfect world was on it's way. It only took a year, and at nineteen and the right hand and guard to the new queen.

Now she was twenty two and terrified of the dictator. She had grown paranoid, terrified of rebellion and being dethroned. She was still smart but she was no longer all there. But Kaya truly knew that it was over when they were arguing.

"Veda I just think-"
"Why did I ever allow you to call me that? I am your queen and you will address me as such."
"Okay your grace, I just think that you should not anger the farmers. If we lose them-"
"Need I remind you of your body count? More specifically, who's on it? You cannot defect or I will let the kingdom know exactly who brought me into power."
"Ma'am that, that was your order I, I didn't-"
"But who will they believe, Kaya? I am their queen and when my guard makes a tearful confession that they killed the former king, I must tell the people."

She never should have killed him. Veda may have been right for the throne then but now she was too lost in the thought of losing her power that she couldn't make good decisions. She was desperate to keep the people in line, her helpful policies turned into an iron-fist rule that hurt groups she'd promised to help. And Kaya was stuck with her. She'd been killed for treason if Veda revealed who really killed Warrick that night.

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