*Twilight, Dusk, Spike, and Barbra are sent back in time by a spell by Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam so they can enact revenge*
Twilight, Dusk, Spike, and Barbra: [screaming as they go through the portal]
*they land in Cloudsdale*
Twilight/Dusk: *looks around*
Spike: *looks around* Cloudsdale? Starlight and Stellar don't even have wings!
Barbra- *concerned* Why would they come here?
Twilight: *concerned* I don't know, Barb, but it looked like they could fly with just magic!
Dusk- *serious* Keep your eyes open. We don't know what they have planned.
[A young Rainbow and Blitz flies past them]
Spike: *looks* Isn't that Rainbow Dash?
Barbra- *looks* And Rainbow Blitz?
Twilight Sparkle: *looks at them in concern* Did Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz look really young to you guys? And I didn't see any cutie marks.
Dusk- *looks at Twilight in concern* You don't think...
Spike/Barbra: ...We traveled back in time to when Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Blitz raced the bullies who made fun of Fluttershy and Butterscotch and performed their first sonic rainboom?
Twilight Sparkle: *concerned* Spike, only Star Swirl the Bearded could do something like that, and even his spell just went back a week!
Dusk- *thinks hard* How could those two do more than the greatest wizard in Equestria?
Spike/Barbra: *holds the scroll* With this.
Twilight: *looks at it in worry* Star Swirl's spell!
Dusk- *concerned* It wasn't like this last time. They altered it.
Spike/Barbra: *starts to walk off* Come on, let's go!
Twilight/Dusk: *confused* Go where?
Spike/Barbra: *smiles* To watch the race. We don't wanna miss the rainboom! *they fall off the cloud but Twilight and Dusk catch them and flies off* Whoa!
*at the race*
*Young Rainbow, Young Blitz, Young Hoops, Young Dumbell, Young Weights, and Young Basket start the race whizzing past Fluttershy and Butterscotch*
Young Fluttershy/Young Butterscotch : [spins out of control and off the cloud yelping in fear]
Twilight/Dusk- *about to fly down but Spike and Barbra stop them* *nods*
[various whooshes as the racers go across]
[Dumbell and Weight crash into a cloud pillar]
Young Rainbow Dash and Young Rainbow Blitz: *gets knocked off course by Hoops and Basket* Whoa!
Young Hoops and Young Basket: *smirks* Heh. Later, Rainbow Crash and Rainbow Ditz! *flies off*
Young Rainbow Dash and Young Rainbow Blitz: *glares at them* Hey! *flies after them*
Starlight/Stellar: *smirking evilly as they come above a crowd* Aw, sorry about this...but not really. *blasts at Dash and Blitz*
Young Rainbow Dash and Young Rainbow Blitz: *magically frozen in place* Hey! What gives?
Twilight/Dusk/Spike/Barbra- *looks in shock and worry*
[foals cheering as Hoops and Basket win the race]
Young Rainbow/Young Blitz- *struggles to get free* *looks at everypony cheering for Hoops and Dumbbell* *disappointed grunts*
*down on the ground*
Young Fluttershy/Young Butterscotch: [giggling with the animals]
[critter noises as they leave]
Young Fluttershy/Young Butterscotch- *worriedly* Wait....*saddened* Oh...*the two start back up to Cloudsdale*
*in Manehatten*
Young Applejack/Young AJ: [sighs sadly as they look out the window] *closes the curtains*
*on the rock farm Pinkie, Bubble, Maud and Rock are breaking rocks*
Young Pinkie Pie/Young Bubble Berry: [looks at the sky and sighs sadly and continues working*
[crow cawing]
*at a cliff*
Young Rarity/Young Elusive- *looks at a rock* *shrugs and pushes the rock off the cliff and walks away*
[the rock breaks and it shines]
*at Celestia and Solaris' school*
Young Twilight/Young Dusk: [straining to hatch the dragon eggs] *panting in worry*
[the authorities scribble bored]
Young Twilight/Young Dusk- *sighs sadly with their ears flattened and runs out the room*
Velvet/Nightlight- *looks in worry*
*back in Cloudsdale the race is over and everyone is nearly leaving*
Young Rainbow/Young Blitz- *struggling*
*Twilight and Dusk fly to Starlight and Stellar angrily with Spike and Barbra on their backs*
Twilight/Dusk: *glares angrily* *demanding* What did you do?!
Starlight/Stellar: *levitating* *smirking evilly* You two are about to find out.
[a portal opens up sucking Twilight, Dusk, Spike, and Barbra up in shock]
Starlight/Stellar- *smirks at each other**notice Rainbow and Blitz still stuck* *looks at each other and shrugs* *lights their horns*
*the field of the magic disappears and Young Rainbow and Blitz shake themselves off*
Young Rainbow- *worried* We lost!
Young Blitz- *glares* To Hoops and Dumbbell no less!
Young Rainbow- *concerned* I hope Fluttershy and Butterscotch aren't disappointed*
*Young Fluttershy and Young Butterscotch come out of a cloud*
Young Blitz- *smiles* There you guys are!
Young Rainbow- We didn't see you guys after the race. Where were you?
Young Butterscotch- *admits* Oh, you all flew so fast that we fell off the cloud and fell...
Young Rainbow/Young Blitz- *shocked*
Voices- *loudly* Rainbow? Blitz?
Voices- *softer* Fluttershy? Butterscotch?
*the four turn to see Windy Whistles, Bow Hothoof, Posey Shy, and Gentle Breeze*
*the four fly off to their parents talking along the way*
*Starlight and Stellar watch the eight of them fly off*
Stellar- *smirks* And that is that. Those two could do those rainbooms now and it won't matter.
Starlight- *smirks* We just had to stop Twilight, Dusk and their friends from getting their cutie mark connection and those two get to experience what it's like to lose something special from them.
Stellar- *smirks* I wonder how those two are liking their new futures?
The Cutie Re-Mark: Heroes of the Present
AventuraTwilight Sparkle, Dusk Shine, Spike and Barbra are going through timeline after timeline in order to stop Starlight and Stellar from messing up the Sonic Rainboom...but the disastrous presents the four come to are so bad Twilight and Dusk make a bol...