The Kidnapp

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                         I screamed as the door opened with an ominous creak. It was a call for help. A rather raspy one. I tried to scream once more but no sound came out. That wrong move I took got me into this. This misery. I closed my eyes. This pain was not really that physical as you might expect, it is more of a phycological pain. How did I get myself into this?

"Damn, another tongue lash from my mom and then from my teacher." I scoffed. I glanced at the examination paper and smirked. "I bet I got the best mark among the gang" I continued not even a little remorseful. Even though I had only gotten 14/100 I was proud of my results. The teacher who was the one who gave the papers away was staring at my pleased face, looking aghast. Dismay was plastered on his face. I looked at him with dog eyes and smiled like an innocent lamb. He immediately looked away without a second glance. I grinned menacingly.

"Now, now, who is the highest scorer in here?" the ring leader mocked. School was over and we, the gang met up as usual at the side gate of the school where no teachers could catch us loitering around. I raised my hand smugly and stepped up. "Ooh, lil Moon steps up, what a surprise? Well, guess who is gonna do the dare of the year homeboys?" he continued balefully. The others snickered and chanted, "Moon! Moon! Moon!". I was taken aback, why me? Mixed feelings like fear, anxiousness, madness and confusion engulfed me. "Oh, don't be such a wimp!" the ringleader continued. The dare of the year is sort of like a tradition in our own little mob. It is a highly risky task that must be done by the chosen unlucky person and if the person does not obey, they will be beaten up by the whole gaggle. All the crew balled their fists and threw imaginary punches through the air towards me. I shrank back. The ringleader shoved me aggressively and glared at me. I nodded my head. "Your task is to go to the gambling alley and just play" he glowered. My eyes widened, yes, I was a juvenile delinquent but this amount of delinquency scared the daylights out of me. The risk was just too high! The last time this type of dare happened, the person got beaten up by the adult gambling maniacs. I looked fearfully at the gang and sighed, I had to do it.

I shuffled into the dark alley. I fidgeted with my wallet. My palms were cold and sweaty. I took in deep breaths to calm myself down. I was trembling in my shoes. I looked back at the gang hoping for a goodbye but no. I tried not to scream, one more step and I will enter the gambling area. I closed my eyes and- "Whoosh!" The next few seconds was a blur of events. I was jerked up from the ground by strong burly hands and next, a gag was placed over my nose and mouth and a blindfold was also placed on my head. My wrists were tied up and so were my feet. The same man who picked me up knocked me out with one swift blow on the head. Just before I passed out, I saw the horrifies looks on my gang's face. "Was I-" I could not finish my thought as I had blacked out.

"If you need to have your child back you will have to pay $60 000 right now! Or else your child is gonna have some injuries. You know where to put the money and when, do it ASAP if you want your kid in one piece." A voice threatened. I woke up with a jolt. I was surrounded by darkness. I could not see a thing. I thought about how I got here and memories flooded my mind like a tsunami. Oh no! I was kidnapped! Were they asking my parents for $60 000 ransom too?! I was appalled. I sobbed miserably. I pulled my hair, stressed. My brain was overworked. Anger and rage bubbled up inside me while in the same time sorrow filled my heart. Heavy chains were holding me in place against the wall. There was not a single source of light in the whole cell. Tears streamed down from my eyes. I was going to cost my parents $60 000! I just realized what I had done. In this solitary dark room, I had time to reflect upon my whole life. I was a good pupil, no, an outstanding pupil in Primary 1. I outshone the rest of my class in academic and behavior progress. Teachers were praising me and I had lots of friends who were good influences. Every day I learnt something new, a new moral or a new word or any other good thing. But when it came to Primary 2 my marks started to lower down. Some of my classmates and friends started to not listen to my teacher. But still I tried to persevere through. In the end of year examination, I had gotten 6th for the first time so jealousy got the better of me and I broke the hand phone that the 1st person's parents bought for him. Once the truth was uncovered, I was reprimanded for the first time. My parents paid the money for the damage caused by me. That was when I thought that my parents would cover up for anything I do, so why not be like some of the others? Given that the scolding was just a 1-time thing, the price to pay for a crime was not that high. Well, that's just what I thought. Primary 3, I started doing actions that were against the school rules but it made me feel gleeful and for the crimes I did my parents covered it up and just said, "Don't worry, we love you." Primary 4, I had become a total rowdy and I got hook up with the gang. I was doing more severe crimes such as stealing from shops. Primary 5, which is now we took more risks on each juvenile delinquent act. So much so, that I thought that my parents were millionaires. I had not ever thought of the fact that the dote me so much. I was the only kid so that was a direct and most logical answer. Did I need these kidnappers and this dark cell for this brutal realization? Yes. I did.

My eyes were sore and my throat was dry. I felt like my whole body had crumpled up. Just then I heard a bustle of activity behind the door. I screamed as the door opened with an ominous creak. It was a call for help. A rather raspy one. I tried to scream once more but no sound came out. I squinted at the figure that stepped in the cell. "IT WAS A POLICEMAN!" I screamed in my head with joy. I was saved.

Flashforward- 1 year later

"Thanks for everything mum, dad. I love you, bye!" I exclaimed cheerfully. They waved me off as I was sent to school. I walked past the side gate and traumatic memories flashed in my mind. But I was not scared anymore. The gang was counseled by the school counselor and they all changed into studious and open-minded pupils. I grinned. Learnt my mistake, check.

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