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"Help me close this door quick!" I tried to push the shelf to block the door, but it was too heavy. I can hear countless footsteps echoing in the hallway, the infected are making their way towards us, "I'll help you with this, just keep pushing the shelf!" Yulia jumped into action as she frantically tried to help me blocking the path to our demise. Together we pushed the heavy shelf towards the door, she was scared and her goggles fell off but she kept on going and tried to ounce every single bit of her strength to help, but we still can't block the door in time. "Oh fuck this!" one of the guys in our group pulled out a revolver from his jacket and began aiming at the creatures chasing after us. His face was fueled with rage, but within it hid a deep fear of death, his pupils constricted to the point that it looks like he's staring straight at the devil himself, but he didn't hesitate. He pulled the trigger and the sound of the deafening gunshot could be heard all throughout the building, he kept on firing second after second, chambering and loading more bullets when he ran out. The things following us screamed in return. My ears were ringing now, and his expression became worse as the realization sets in as he is probably facing a horde of infected that filled the hallway in front of him. 

 One of the infected suddenly appeared in the opposite end of the room to where we are, the thing wedged itself on a small crack on the wall where any normal man couldn't fit into, its eyes darted around the room as it rapidly shivered itself stationary, "Infected!" I locked eyes on our gunslinger Heron, as he turned his face at me, I slightly shook my head upwards and faced the opposite end of the room, Heron realized the signal and quickly turned at the infected that was on his left side. The thing began running towards him but he wasn't prepared, it leaped upwards making its way to him, and he could only raise his left arm to cover himself to prepare for an oncoming attack.

"Watch out!" Haruki appeared from behind me, our friendly resident former hitman was holding a concrete block and smashed it to the incoming infected that was aiming at Heron, the thing fell on the floor and Haruki stomped on it's already brittle head to make sure it doesn't move again, it left imprints of rotten flesh and brain matter on his boots, but he didn't care. "I owe you one! but please move the fuck faster and get the goddamn door blocked already!" complaining and as he tries to pump out more shots to defend us, Heron stood his ground, awaiting for my signal. Slowly inching our way to the entrance, Heron closed the hallway door as we were about to drop it in front of him.

We managed to give out one last push and in a few seconds, the heavy object fell to the ground, it released dust that scattered around on impact, books that were originally stationed on its old carrier fell to the floor, but with it, we blocked the entire entrance. But it was a small victory, the infected were slowly gathering at the door, pushing it with all their might, we have some bit of time but we weren't going to stay around any longer. Haruki took a bit of time to breathe in and calm his adrenaline filled state, "Zaina, protect Yulia and get to the next room and gun it all the way to the hallway, make your way up on the rooftop, Heron, shoot any infected that comes close to me, I'm going vanguard" as he grabbed a block of wood that was standing slanted in a desk near to where he was standing, holding it as a weapon. Heron released the chamber of his revolver and dropped the used bullet casings, "Don't attempt anything stupid" warning Haruki to stay vigilant and not being reckless, he pulled out the bullets from his pocket and loaded it onto his revolver.

I pulled out a metal rebar stuck in the wall and pointed at the door "Go!" I gestured Yulia to go running into the hallway, she nodded in response and quickly head out, I followed shortly after. I glanced back at the two boys behind me before following her "And you two need to come back to us alright?" and they replied with a nod and a smile to reassure me that everyone will come back alive.

I opened the door to the hallway and came out rushing through, the chunk of metal I grasped firmly in my hand made clanking noises each time it hit something, it echoed throughout the hallway and it made a ton of attention dragging the infected to our position, Yulia made a run to the end of the hallway, waiting for me before she heads out to the next room "Hurry up Zaina! We need to get through!" her voice echoing throughout the hallway. Gunshots can be heard behind me now, I can hear Heron screaming profanities at the infected, and Haruki's wooden block reverberating the sound of gushing blood and flesh all over the previous room. Their sounds would be drowned out by the ensuing madness of the infected surrounding us, making it harder to hear them. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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