New romance

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Cleo : Jude we have to talk about this at some point
Jude : no we don't
Cleo : you can't just ignore me
Jude : well , maybe I don't wanna be with you anymore
Cleo : so your breaking up with me then
Jude : yeah I am
Cleo : whatever
Jude : fine
Jude walks out
Cleo TH : I didn't mean for things to get so bad between us but I just can't trust Jude any more
In studio B
Summer : hey Jude are you ok
Jude : fine !
Summer : come on it's me you can tell me
Jude : me and Cleo broke up
Summer : oh Jude I'm sorry
Jude : it's fine
Summer : hey why don't we go and get a drink at the next steep to cheer you up
Jude : yeah I'd like that
Summer : ok
Summer and Jude go to the next steep
Jude TH : summer is just amazing I love having her around
Jude : I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go on a date with me ?
Summer : are you serious , but what about you and Cleo ?
Jude : what about Cleo , I'm over her now
Summer : yeah sure
Jude and summer both smile at each other
As they hold hands
Cleo walks in and sees them
Cleo TH : wow I guess Jude has moved on maybe it's time for me to as well
Later on in studio A
Noah walks in
Jude : Noah ?
Noah TH : I'm back
Noah : hey Jude right ?
Jude : yeah , what are you doing here
Noah : I'm back in town for a bit
Jude : cool
Noah : so how are things going with you and Cleo
Jude : umm we broke up
Noah : oh I'm sorry
Jude : it's fine , but me and summer are actually getting on really well
Noah : oh so you like her then
Jude : well I might have a tiny crush on her
Noah : ok cool well why don't you ask her out ?
Jude : you serious ?
Noah : yeah why not
Jude : ok
Back in studio B
Summer : hey
Jude : hey
Summer : are you ok ?
Jude : yeah I'm good I actually wanted to ask you something
Summer : ok
Jude walks up to summer and grabs her hand
Jude : I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend ?
Summer : really
Jude : yeah
Summer : of course
Summer and Jude kiss
Cleo walks in
Cleo TH : I thought I could get over Jude but it's harder than I thought it would be I don't what to do now

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