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*Zero's P.o.V.*

I Walked the halls of a half burnt school as I listened to The Birthday Massacre, one of my new favorite people other that monstercat, I wished that Jason Kibbles didn't kill me or 'Killer' as I used to be, I've been though so many life's It's not even funny... I don't know what happened to my old personalities went but I have new ones, there's Gavin, Rayne, and Tyler. I didn't want to deal with them so I made them their own body's to control, they were following me at first but then they wandered into some classrooms, I seen a music room and walked in, it had dust like nether rack covering the walls and there was a lit computer untouched by the massacre in this old school, I lifted my hands out of my pockets and looked at it, it had a program opened that looked like it was to create music, duh, I played what was done and dupstep played mixing with my own music, I slid my red and yellow headphones onto my shoulders and listened to it, it was pretty good so far, there was a slam of a door as the song ended.

"H-h-hackcha..." I could speak very well so my voice sounded like a child,  I decided to take advantage of this and used my blood crystal to make me look like a little boy "He-hello?" There was foot steps as a guy popped his head through the door way and stared at me with a questioning look, I smiled and hugged him, it was MU!

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, I felt my neck stiffen and I coughed, I humed something to test my voice, I let MU go and took two steps back

"Uhh.. Ack! Um... Gavin, Tyler, Rayne!" I sounded like my old self again, I changed back to my now considered normal form with my red tipped blue hair and my yellow sweater forgetting MU was right infront of me

"What are you? Some kind of transgender age changing thing, and why did you hug me?" MU questioned me as everyone came in while talking very loudly

"Wait if Tyler can sing, how do you know I can't do a girls hair or paint her nails?" Gavin said, they stopped talking and looked at MU

"Who the nether is that?" Tyler asked

"Guys this is MU, I knew him before Jason killed me,"

"Uhhh... I remember knowing a girl named killer who killed her self but I don't know about a Jason besides myself!" MU informed us

"I am that girl named killer, remember how I started going insane then cutting then I killed myself!"

"Wait what?" Rayne asked holding her face softly so she didn't break her glasses

"You don't know cuz you weren't there but I got to watch as one of my personalities named Jason killed my old self, it's complicated,"

"Obviously," Rayne commented

"Wait so then why are you here if you died?" MU asked very confused

"Wait how long have you been here and when was the last time you saw the rest of team crafted?"

"Uhhh... he, he, when killer died...?" MU shrugged, as I held his shoulders unintentionally breathing on his neck, I took a step back and grabbed my temples with my fingers, I should take him to see team crafted if they respawned too, I knew that I can't really control my new abilities yet but I could try...

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