The first meeting

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I take a relaxing seat, taking a deep breath. I just closed the largest deal in L-Corps' history. 
My assistant Eve knocks before swiftly coming in to notify me my next conference is about to start.
I glimpse ahead of her figure as she walks down the corridor leaving the door open; allowing two people to walk in. The notorious Clark Kent and an unidentified blonde woman next to him.

It instantly catches my eye that the blonde is donning men's apparel, not that it bothers me she looks tremendous, but I've got to keep this professional. They walk into the room, the blonde woman directly asked in a slightly annoyed tone; why'd she had to come.  Not receiving an answer she power walks to my desk.

They walk calmly up to me. We say our welcomes and get to business "Ms Luthor we're gonna get right into it" Kent pushes honestly.

Clearing his throat as he begins writing on his notepad "What is your infatuation with aliens and why do YOU of all people want to support them; I mean you're a-

Kara cuts him off with a scowl narrowing her eyes "Clark If you finish that sentence I'll smash your face into this desk cousins or not" "Why are you defending her she's evil like her- Kara glares at him shutting him down. "Apologize now Clark"
"But- "there are no buts now!!" "I apologize ms. Luthor" "you can't go around disrespecting people in their own building, I'm sorry miss Luthor let me make it up to you one day, but for now, we have to leave"

She pulls Clark by his ear "ow, ow, ow, ok, ok I'm sorry" as they walk to the elevator I chuckle. That was definitely interesting

The next day Kara walks into my office and I freeze. I forgot about the date. "Eve cancel my meeting for 3pm" I say hurriedly.

"oh Ms.Danvers. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about our hangout" "it's fine but please call me Kara" she says smiling softly as I pick my back up. "Well then you must call me Lena" I retorted back.

"So, may I ask where are we going" I say in confusion. "it's a surprise" she gives me a charming grin but as we walk out of L-Corp the paparazzi comes out "please guys no pictures today" normally I wouldn't mind, but today I just wanted to be normal. After a while of walking with her; she picks me up, piggy backing me like I weighed nothing. we arrived at a restaurant soon enough.

"Oh my god, Kara! It's beautiful" She laughs lightly. I blush lightly, the red staining my cheeks unnoticeably "I got a reservation" she says as we walk to a secluded table. We make small talk until the waiter comes.

After eating she insisted on paying but I told her it was fine.  She still ended up paying after a seemingly endless protest about how she owed it to me. 

We walk out and a pair of muscular hands grab my waist. "hey beautiful I don't see you with anyone" I push away, the stench of alcohol on his breath as he pushes me aside to the ground.

"Let her go" Kara warns in a calm tone. The man growls at her. "Leave and you'll make it out of here alive" but it's not long before the man is clutching his stomach and running away.

She picks me up bridal style and walks me back to L-Corp apologizing for the situation.

As we make it back to my office she checks my body for any bruising. "I'm glad you're fine" she mumbles to me whilst stepping back and clearing her throat.  "Here's my number, call me if you need anything" she says handing me a piece of paper and turning on her heels.

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