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❝ there are some natures too noble to curve and too lofty to bend ❞

❝ there are some natures too noble to curve and too lofty to bend ❞

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Alice Boswell had her head in the clouds. More interested in writing stories that always seemed too extravagant to the life she led and exploring every inch of nature London had to offer, she found that the humdrum of her studies and taking care of her sisters didn't often allow for the imagination and adventure she so desperately craved. With nothing but endless chores and repetitive routines, Alice threw herself into writing the kinds of adventures she wanted to have, even if it gave her nothing but crushed hopes to sift through when it was all said and done.

Until a sudden knock on her door found Alice face-to-face with Enola Holmes, a girl immersed in adventure for as long as she could remember, an upbringing so foreign and unconventional Alice could only wish she was in her shoes. A self-proclaimed finder of lost souls, Enola has decided to aid in finding the famous John Watson, notable doctor and brilliant mind seemingly kidnapped with no leads whatsoever, enlisting Alice's help after learning of the redhead's uncanny knowledge of botany.

But things have a habit of progressing too close to comfort. After one close call became one too many, the girls had to stop and think, forced to face prejudice and corruption as they worked to solve the case of the bizarre bouquets before it was too late. But as feelings blossom and skeletons begin to fall out, they had to realize that not everything is what it seems, and that the greatest illusions are the ones they most wanted to believe.

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amybeth mcnulty as alice boswell

❝ just because my dreams are different from yours doesn't mean they're unimportant ❞

❝ just because my dreams are different from yours doesn't mean they're unimportant ❞

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millie bobby brown as enola holmes

perhaps we don't see those things as important because people don't write about them. perhaps writing will make them more important

eliza scanlen as mabel boswell lia pappas kemps as helen boswelldaniel radcliffe as john watson lucas jade zumann as laurie murrell

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eliza scanlen as mabel boswell
lia pappas kemps as helen boswell
daniel radcliffe as john watson
lucas jade zumann as laurie murrell


Here it is! I've been talking about this fic since Enola Holmes came out and I'm not even ashamed, the movie was really good and Enola deserves a girlfriend who's just as badass as she is, just in a different manner, I said what I said

The plot is based off of one of the Enola Holmes books themselves and will, at first, largely follow Enola's perspective until she meets Alice in like the sixth or seventh chapter. Don't worry, it'll still be interesting, but some things have to be established first before they have reason to meet.

Bouquet D'Illusion is one of two fics in the Enola Holmes series I have planned. The other is a Tewkesbury fic and will take place after this one and probably won't be published until this one is finished/almost finished because characters here will show up in there and there'd be spoilers (unless y'all are vocal and want to see it regardless of spoilers, then who would I be to deny the good people their request)


-WISHYOUWERESOBER bloodbenders COTTAGECORES creeveycolins qiweed KINGKATARA avatarorganas L0NERISM_ pangeas simpomatic FIZZYKATSU KAGAMICHHIS TOZIERLILACS for being such big loving fools all the time, you have no idea how much I love you guys

I hope you enjoy!

Bouquet D'Illusions ▷ Enola Holmes Where stories live. Discover now