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I would like to point out that The MCs name will be Scarlett Langdon through out the whole story:)

Scarlett POV

I wake up with literally nothing to do( I just need to get used to it). I ignore my own thoughts and get ready to meet with Jenny at Central Park.

Once I took a nice hot shower got my clothes, did my make up and ate breakfast I grabbed my keys/phone and left my apartment.

I had to kinda speed jog because I was about 7 mins late already. I jog as fast as possible but I also try not to draw attention to myself.

I slow down once I see Jenny sitting on one of the park benches by a little bridge.

"Hey" I said out of breath "damn girl what happened to you" Jenny says with a laugh at the end and hands me a little bottle if water.

"Thanks, I ran here because I was late, right?" I take a sip of water. "Only by a couple of minutes, I mean.. I didn't expect you to get here at the Exact time" said Jenny as she stood up and gusher us to walk with her hands.

"So do you like New York so far?" Jenny asked as we walked crossed the little bridge. " its okay kinda boring ". She looks at me like a crazy person

"did you just call New York boring" she says confused  "yeah, what's wrong with that?" I replied.

"Literally everyone here is either working or helping here" jenny then stops in her tracks and then looks at me " can you wait here I kinda have to use the bathroom?" She gives me a pleading look with puppy eyes. "Oh yeah go head, I'll wait here" I said pointing to the end of the little bridge we just walked on.

I pull out my phone so I look like I'm business texting someone (which I'm not) I just pull up Google and type random things in the search bar!!

But I still feel kinda weird being here by myself so I start doing stretches in the grass by the bridge, I guess that's pretty normal.

As I'm about to do do more some guy walks over to me.

"Hey" the unknown guys says "hi" I reply "I'm danael" he says walking a little bit more closer to me. I just ignore him hoping that Jenny will come from the bathroom in a few secs .

"Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm starting a business and I was wondering if you could come and swing by later this afternoon" danael hands me a flyer and walks away.

I look at the flyer for a couple of mins and read.

"Hey, Scarly" Jenny says literally scaring me half to death. "What's that?" She ask pointing to the flyer " it's a flyer some random guy gave me."

"And was this random guy hot by any chance?" She gives me a smirk as a roll my eyes at her "he had long blonde hair but it was in a bun and blue eyes but his face was cute overall" I blush a little as Jenny ups in excitement "this is your chance to not be so bored in New York og find yourself a guy and do the NASTY with him" she gives me another evil smirk and I give her a playful push but laugh.

Me and Jenny walk and Talk for while but Jenny's phone suddenly rings and she steps away to take the call.

I cant really head what she says but she seems very happy and excited about it.

A few minutes later

Jenny finally comes back literally jumping with happiness, I'm kinda jealous by that Haha.

"What happened" I asked "My brother is coming back from his business trip"

I didn't know jenny had a brother at all.

"But anyways I was planning on suprising him with a little party because I'm back in New York and He doesn't know yet" she finishes Squealing with more excitement as she talks.

"I didn't know you had a brother" I say. Her face turns serious but with a tiny smile

"OMG then you have to come to the suprise party and meet him" she says

"Okay then where is this suprise party going to be at?" I say curious.

"I'll text it to you, buy anyways I gotta run so I'll see you soon then" she gives my a kiss on the cheek then runs off.

I I walk around for a while and grab a little something to eat before I go home.

As I was walking I cant help but think about my future here in New York.

Should I get a job? Should I start dating? or should I not do anything at all considering that is the easiest choice here.

But then it hit me, I should get a pet!!

I rush to by myself a hot dog at a small stan and ask a stranger where the pet shops are and she points me to the direction and I thank her.

I walk to the pet store eating my hot as fast as possible cause I dont think food is aloud in pet store and im not wasting this hot dog.

I finish the hot dog and walk into the story, I see a lot of different animals like cats/kittens, dogs/puppies, birds,fish,hamsters and Rabbits.

But this place looks pretty empty so I just look around at the cute animals.

I was look at the birds when I hear someone behind me speak.

"I didn't think you would actually come!" A guy says.

Me being obliviously confused I turn around to make sure he was really talking to me and not some other customers.

But then I realized that I'm the ONLY customer here.

I look at the guy and realize it's that guy from the park that gave me the flyer.

"Oh..umm yes?" I question. " you remember me right?" He ask " yes of course your Danny..?" I ask  "Danael you mean!"

"Yea..that's what I mean" I laugh a little and look at the hamsters.

Their soo cute Omg I cant..

I look over to danael and Say " I want a hamster " he nods  and tells me that I can have on for free but I need to pay for the item for the hamster.

"Why am I getting the hamster for free because your my first customer "

Oh " Thank you and I'm happy to be your first customer" I smile at him and grab the item for my hamster and he rings it up and I pay.

I tell danael that i want the all light brown hamster and he give it to me and put in the hamster Carrier.

I wave to him then leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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