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Ashleigh stood at the front door of her house, the memories and emotions of the past 24 hours flying around her (Amygdala). Her clothes were blood stained and her hands had been shaking for so long that she didn't know what it felt like to have control of them. Her brain had stopped processing everything that had happened at this point (parietal lobe) due to the stress and mind numbing energy it took to run from everything. Her body seemed to be running off of pure adrenal at this point and she didn't know how much longer she could take it. Standing to her left was her brother Ashton, who at this point didn't think he brain was even functioning anymore (thalamus). He could feel Ashleigh talking to him, but no longer felt the ability to hear, let alone create a coherent sentance (temporal lobe). Ashton watched Ashleigh put her shaky hand on the doorknob and he knew that if they didn't go into the house now, they may never get the chance again. The thing was after them, and while they might not know what it was, they knew it was dangerous and out for blood. Their blood.
Ashleigh slowly opned the door and got her first real look at the damge from the night before. The living room was in disarray with the coach being ripped and stained red, the coffe table ripped into pieces and the TV on, but only showing a white screen. Ashton stumbled into the house, not having much control of his legs at this point (cerebellum) due to the large gash on his leg from that thing. He mainly wanted to climb into his bed, close his eyes and wake up to find that this was all a dream. But with everything he had to learn and memorize to defend himself from this thing (hippocampus) he knew that that wasn't a possibility. As a big video game dweeb, Ashleigh knew that this was the boss level and her and Ashton needed to get all of their amo togather if they were going to beat it.
"Go to the basement and grab the extra bullets, I'm going to mom and dads room to rgrab the rest of the guns" Ashleigh told her older brother, he head slighly nodding as he walked in the direction towards the basement door. Ashleigh took slow strides to the stairs knowing that once she got up to her paretsn room ,the situation would become all to real again. She climbed the stairs and rounded the corner to stand in front of the mahogany door, wrecking her brain to find the strength and emotion (Frontal lobe) not to have a huge breakdown once she crossed the threshold. She took a deep breath in and opened the door. The once white walls were spallterd with blood and green goo. The wall that was scatterd in picture frames of the once happy family now stood abandoned, the various frames shattered on the ground, the pictures speed everywhere. Ashleigh remembered working on the wall for hours with Ashton, trying to make it look perfect as a surprise for their parents 20th anniversary. Looking at the wall now, she couldn't remember the last time she had seen the wall so plain and uncovered. She slowly walked towards her parents closet, scanning the walls some more, trying not to look at the bed. She opened the closet door and wracked her brain thinking of the spot that she had last seen the guns that her father kept locked up for very special cerumstances. She saw the charol black box with the keypad that she rememberd looking at with her father when she was younger, watching him practice the code (Occipital lobe). "I don't know what he counts as a special situation, but this one definty meets the criteria in my book" Ashleigh mumbled, grabbing the box and punching in the code: 112194, the day her partets meet. Inside was two automatic revolvers, shiny and unused, ready to take down whatever there barrel was pointed towards. Ashleigh took the guns and turned around quickly, looking to the one place she shouldn't have.
The once rose gold bed spread was now red, and covered in body parts. Not just any body parts, her parents body parts. Her father was only missing a leg, everything else was still intact, but her mother had put up a fight, and the thing did not appreciate that. Her head was torn from her body, the spinal cord still grossly attached (Peripheral nervous system) creeply danginling off the side of the bed. Her eyes and mouth wide open, staring at the love of her life, who had already been gone at that point due to a deep gash in the throat. Ashleigh felt her blood pressure rise and her energy rise. This thing had taken her parent from her and shw was not about to let it take her brother and herselfg as well. She had found her will to live and kenw what she had to do. Ashleigh heard a loud bang from the main floor, wishped "I'm going to get recenge, don'y you worry" as she ran out of the room and down the stairs. Ashton stood a few feet from the front door as it shook violently. His stress level was rising with every second that his sister wasn't beside him (sympathetic nervous system) and he had never been so reveled then to see her run see down the stairs. She handed him a revolver anf he loaded it, handing her the amo that he had got from the basement. "Let's teach this motherfucker that he messed with the wrong family" Ashleigh said. Raising her gun, preparing for the door to open, Ashton following her lead. The door busted ioen and a bright white light shined in, and just like that Ashleigh, Ashton and their parents we're gone. The once bloody house now appeared to have been ransacked with no sign of the family that had inhabited it.

[From the Rocky Mountain Press]
May 3, 2018, Reporter Hailey Gwenn
Police are still looking into the disappearance of Jessica and Cooper Kent along with their chidren Ashton (16) and Ashleigh (14) who have not been seen since saturday. Police were called to the house in the early morning on Sunday after a neighbor called saying that the front door was missing and the house appeared to be in disarray. The Rocky Mountain Police released a statement staging that "there was no evidence of foul play located within the house and we do not have a reason to believe that the family was injured on this premensise". Neightbors did say that they remember seeing bright lights above the house around 1 am on Sunday morning, but believed it was just Cooper messing about. Police are still investigating and will be holding a press conference tomorrow where they hope to answer all of your questions and bring some peace of mind to our town. Friends and family of the Kent's are asking for prayers and support as they work with the police to find the family. "Jessica and Cooper were great parents and would never do anything to their children. They would protect them until the end" Jason Kent, Cooper's brother stated. "Ashleigh and Ashton are strong, if anything happened to their parents then they could survive on their own. They would never let their parents down" Katlyn Jennings told us. "Sure Mr and Mrs Kent had some weird beliefs, but I don't believe that that would couse them to harm themselves or Ashton and Ashleigh" Gage Holmes told us. When asked what kind of weird beliefs the Kent parents had, Gage replied that "they had an odd obsession with Aliens and sometimes almost appreafed to be prepping for an alien invasion". While the Kent families dissaperane may not be totally figured out yet, many have been lead to speculate that the family may have ran away due to a belief that alens were after them, others belice that they had a sucide pack and acted it out. I will be following up on this case tomorrow after the press conference with all of the new clues and conclusions for the case. This is Hailey Gwenn writing for the Rocky Mountain Press and I will see you tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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