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(Bakugou and Todoroki have never met before, and Bakugou's dad works in the fashion industry which, fun fact, is cannon, and Bakugou is quirkless in this)

"Damn it KATSUKI GET UP! It's breakfast time!"

"I heard you damn hag!" I yelled back, and kick the covers off myself.

"Watch your mouth asshat," she had the AUDACITY to scream back.

"Yeah yeah I'm coming," I snarl and make my way downstairs to the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee, and was reading the newspaper. I duck my head as soon as my mom threw a shoe at me.

"Next time I won't wake you up, and you'll have to make breakfast yourself," she yelled while cooking eggs. I scoff and roll my eyes, which my dad catches, and gives me a stern look. My eyes catch the front cover of the paper he was reading, and it had the headlines of Endeavor and his hot ass son defeating some villain. Shoto Todoroki is so fucking hot, and I've had the longest crush on him. You can't really blame me with his rippling abs, half turquoise half grey eyes, white and red hair, chiseled jaw, damn everything was perfect, and he's such a good hero, even if he's still only interning.

I didn't realize I was drooling till a plate of eggs and toast were set in front of me. A smile runs across my dads face. "What are you smiling about?" I ask my dad annoyed.

"Oh nothing. Say...would you like to come to my office after we eat?" He asked and sipped his tea.

"At the fashion industry? Yeah I don't think so," I answer and take a bite of my toast. I nearly choked on it when the old hag smacked the back of my head.

"You're going. I'm having my book club coming here in a few hours, so I want you out of the house with your dad," she hollered as she went back in the kitchen.

So my options were either go to my dads work, or deal with a bunch of gossiping old hags that have nothing better to do, and LOVE to show off over the dumbest reasons.

"Fine," I huff out and keep eating my food.

"Great," my dad said and clapped his hands together. Why's he so cheery? Whatever, I'm just going to mentally prepare myself for a boring day.

-Small timeskip-

My dad parked his car, and we got off, entering the building. It was HUGE, and busy with people coming in and out of the doors. I saw a lot of familiar pros around like Mount Lady and Midnight. When we got inside I swear it was bigger inside! It was swarming with people and models being chased by photographers. There were fancy people with their noses in the air thinking they were better than everyone else, which pisses me off.

"Don't pay them any attention. We're heading to the 22nd floor," my dad said and grinned. I had to stop my jaw from hitting the floor from hearing how high this building is. We headed to the cramped elevator with LITERALLY NO ROOM. I didn't really bother to see who was around me, and was relieved when the door stopped to let people in and out. It was then I saw a VERY familiar boy next to me. IT WAS TODOROKI!!!!

*internal gay panic*

He was just standing there scrolling through his phone aimlessly, and he was fucking hotter up close. He was wearing a black beanie with ripped jeans, a red flannel overtop a black tank-top, and a pair of black and white converse. He looked up and walked out the door. FUCK! I didn't even get to say anything to him, and I still had to go a few stories up.

"Here we are," my dad proudly announced as we made it to his office.

"WHY HAVEN'T YOU SHOWN ME THIS PLACE!" I yell from the AWSOME view of the place. There were different fabrics everywhere, art sets, paints, designing computers, supplies, and a view of the ENTIRE city, and not to mention that THE Shoto Todoroki was here!!!

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