tooru oikawa - rainfall; page 1

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lowercase intended

"so, how did we get here? plates smashing, suffocating tears, and suitcases being packed."

you and tooru met during your second year. while he was being bombarded with fangirls, it just so happened you were in the class down the hall by yourself. as he tried to escape the hormonal girls, he hid in one of the classes. which, "luckily" happened to be yours.
         as he ran in and shutting the door quickly while also breathing heavily, he didn't seem to notice you. you just so happened that day had to stay in for remediation. you glanced at him, and then looked back down at your textbook. obviously you weren't actually reading the textbook, however, you couldn't look him in the eyes. just because you weren't one of his stans, you still couldn't ignore how his brown eyes glisten in the warm sun, or how his hair always looked a little messy, but still looked beautiful nevertheless. he pulled a chair in-front of you and ignited the conversation.
that's where it all started.
              everyday, he would be meet you in that class after practice, and you'd talk about your day. how is it possible that he didn't even know your name, yet was so intrigued in your life? although, you didn't mind because talking about things feels more comfortable when they don't really know you. this suddenly became an on the clock' routine. he'd come into class, pull up a chair, and he would share his milk bread with you.
          until one day, he didn't show up. you shook it off because he wasn't yours. you guys weren't dating. so then, why'd your stomach drop. and why did you wait hours, so much so the janitor had to kick you out. days suddenly became weeks. and for some reason you really could not shake this feeling. had you gotten too close to him? hell he didn't even know your name, y/n.
            you were not the one to just let life go on. you wanted to take charge, because no one else can/will do it for you. you needed to take life in your own hands. screw the universe. and so, it was pouring that day, as you looked out your window, thinking about what you were going to say. your heart started beating rapidly, when you imagined how tooru would answer. would he accept your confession? or would he just think you're one of the fan girls? he sure does get a lot of letters everyday. it was a variety of girls that you were prettier than, but also uglier than some. you shook your head, because you truly didn't want to go there. girls support girls. after school, you had to retake the test you were remediating anyways so it gave you enough time to stall and wait for tooru's practice to end.
              on your walk there, you hear the loud smacks of the volleyball hitting the ground. you flinched, thanking life you weren't reincarnated as one of those balls. you waited outside the gates for him, but under a roof, because it was pouring after all. as you hear the coach whistle, you knew it was showtime. tooru walked out with this really tall, buff guy. with his gym bag in one hand, and an umbrella in the other. you make your way over there stopping in-front of him. "hi, i'm l/n y/n, a second year, and oikawa, there's something about you that i can't shake. ever since we stopped seeing each other, i have had this pit in my stomach. i didn't really want to fall in to the category of pick me girls, but you've put your spell on me and i can't help it. either you need to accept my confession or reject me. i don't want to be lead on an unrequited love." you shut your eyes, looking down, not even realizing the rain was drowning you. his eyes widened at such a confession. his friend nudged him and walked away. oikawa sighed, "l/n, first of all, i'm glad you think our meetings were special. i haven't gone recently because nationals are coming up soon and our coach has been making us practice everyday for a longtime. and i never thought you saw me in that light. but i'm really glad you did." you opened your eyes because you stopped feeling the rain on you. as you looked up, you saw him staring at you with such eyes that you could just dissolve right then and there. the umbrella in his hand was now over you. leaving him in the pouring rain. the umbrella wasn't big enough for the both of you. so you took your arms around is waist, hoping for the best. he slowly bent down and wrapped his arm around you, so the umbrella could dry both of you off. you swore you could've been in that position forever. he whispers in your ear, "let's go out okay? see where it takes us," as he could feel your growing smile against his chest.
             months go by, and both of you couldn't be happier. it was your 1st year anniversary, and tooru had just invited you out to eat at a fancy restaurant. you curled your hair, and put on light make up. nothing wrong with heavy make up, but light was more your style. you put on a black babydoll dress and headed out on your date.
           as you got to the place, you decided to get seated first. minutes go by and you were waiting. waiting. and waiting even longer. you couldn't even express the embarrassment you felt from the spectators around you. you called him so many times. no pick up. the waiters kept asking for your order and you continued to deny them, saying "my boyfriend's gonna be here soon," with a grin. coming up with ideas in your head to why he's not here yet.
            when the restaurant started closing, you headed out. at this point, you weren't even making excuses for him. it was pure anger. you got dolled up and for what? to be stood up? you just wanted to the night to be over.
you quickly took off your clothes into a huge t-shirt. whys it so huge? oh. it's tooru's. you washed your face and went to bed. the shirt still had tooru's scent on it. the smell that made you feel safe. the smell that you would recognize a mile away. the smell you familiarized when you gave your body to him. and soon with those thoughts, you started bawling. you were left alone with your thoughts. "am i not good enough?" continuously repeating in your head. you just wanted this night to be over with.
as the bright sun shined on your face from the small crack of the window panel, you checked your phone. there was a few texts from oikawa. here we go. the tears have dried and you were ready. it read,
tooru: god y/n, I really am sorry.
tooru: practice was dragged out for so long i completely forgot
tooru: nationals are coming up soon, you remember right? that's when we confessed?
tooru: meet me at the park at one. please. let me make it up to you. read 12:48
            "was this truly a good idea?," you thought to yourself. again, it was pouring and you could catch a cold. but you needed answers. so yes, in your mind, it was. you didn't even get ready. he did not deserve the luxury of seeing you try for him.
         you walked to the park in the clothes you woke up in. you saw him from afar, sitting at the bench, fiddling with his calloused hands. you sat next to him, with a huge gap in between you two. "hey," he went first. you looked and gave him a small grin. though you looked like you were fine, boy was he gonna get an earful. as you were about to express your leash on him, he interrupted "the reason i couldn't pick up, was because of volleyball." you seriously glared at him, you didn't even get to put a word in? and why was he so blunt with it? "listen y/n, i never should've put volleyball over you. it was our anniversary and i forgot about our date. if i could go back in time and punch my yesterday self, i would do it." you giggled, maybe you weren't that pissed. "it still hurt, tooru. a lot. i can never show my face there again. while i was furiously walking home, i was seriously doubting you... doubting us," you teared up. good thing the rain could hide your tears. at least you still had your pride, right? instinctively, he grabbed both your hands and kissed them over and over. up to your arms. to your cheeks. to your lip. then you just melted. this feeling of unknown relief. "i love you, y/n and one day i'm gonna put a ring on this finger," he said while kissing it. "i will never put you over volleyball again..."

so, how did we get here? two years later, plates smashing, suffocating tears, and suitcases being packed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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