Kokuhaku (Reituki Oneshot)

459 23 28

Genre- Fluff, confession.
Days Taken to Write- 4 days with no concentration.
Media- Quick and simple Origami heart tutorial. You'll understand why it's referenced after you read.
Status- Exhausted from jet-lag.
~Author Note~
Hey guys! I'm back from New Zealand. I missed you all so much!
I worked a lot on these oneshots over the past three weeks so I hope they're up to scratch. This weeks oneshot isn't saucy or lemony so if it's not what you were expecting then I'm sorry. Instead it's based on the idea of confession.
I've always found the idea of confession or "Kokuhaku" extremely cute; especially in a school scene. It's just so flipping adorable!
So enjoy this and I'll be back into normal routine (^ω^).


~Normal/3rd person P.O.V~

Reita shifted somewhat uncomfortably in his seat across from his crush at the cafeteria table they sat at, attempting to obscure the small bulge in his pants as his gaze flickered from Ruki - who was flailing his hands in the air as he recounted a story to their friends, Uruha, Aoi and Kai - and back down to the piece of red folding paper he fiddled with in his lap.

Kai noticed Reita's lack of contribution to the conversation at hand and typed something into the notes of his phone. He nudged the dirty-blond with his elbow and Reita jumped, realising someone was calling on him.
Reita looked to his right and read the message; "Where are you? You're not here, that's for sure."

Reita rolled his eyes and took the phone from his friends hand, his thumbs now tapping away at the small keyboard on the screen. He handed it back to the brunet; "I'm here but not; I'm thinking about 'him'."

Kai knitted his brows together and took a quick glance at the oblivious platinum-blond before replying excitedly to his anxious friend; "Is that what that piece of paper is in your hands? Your Kokuhaku? ARE YOU ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT?!"

Kai handed the phone back, letting his single-dimpled smile break through as he subtly bounced in his seat, waiting for Reita's response. Reita couldn't help but smile at his friend and nod. Kai pumped his fist under the table meaning an unspoken "yes!"

"What are you two doing over there?" The two shot up as they realised the other three had stopped talking. Uruha, who sat to Reita and Kai's left, raised his eyebrows at them, waiting for his question to be answered.

"Betsuni." Reita lied, shoving the phone back into Kai's hand. They smiled inconspicuously and gave each other a high-five under the table. Kai flicked his gaze to Ruki hoping Uruha would get the hint which, thankfully, he did.

'He's so cute.' Reita thought, watching the chibi inspect his black manicured nails.

"Well, okay." Uruha nodded. "So did you hear what we were saying?"

The two gave each other a sideways glance and Kai spoke, "sure we did. But tell us again so we have all the details."
Aoi scoffed and the other two giggled.

"Apparently you, Aoi and Uruha have something to do after school so it's just me and Reita walking home this afternoon." Ruki informed, picking up his fork to stab a piece of lettuce with it. It was a sort of tradition that the five of them walked home together; a metaphoric symbol of their friendship in a way.

"What do we have to do this afternoon?" Aoi asked, clearly confused. Reita mentally facepalmed at the stupidity that came from his friends mouth.

Uruha rolled his amber eyes at his boyfriend and flickered his gaze between Ruki and Reita, "you know? That thing we have to do."

"What? You mean helping Reita with his confess-" Uruha cut him off by slamming his lips against the ravens before he could divulge any crucial information and hidden motives to the blond diva.

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