Dawn Of A New Reunion

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It was a crisp, cool morning in the small town of Twinleaf in the Sinnoh region. As per usual, it was very quiet, which is to be expected in this part of the region. The wind was at a minimum, the occasional flock of Starly flying overhead, and only a few people walking about. It was nice and peaceful.

Over by a large house with a green roof, we find a familiar blue-haired girl who was just about to wake up after a nice, deep sleep. She had recently returned from a very large trip, and decided it was time to come home after such excitement. With her was a small, round blue penguin Pokémon with a yellow beak, also sound asleep next to the girl.

"Dawn?" A woman asked, knocking on the bedroom door. "Are you up?"

"Ugh, I am now," Dawn responded, tiredly.

"Morning, dear."

"Good morning, Mom," Dawn said as she was yawning and stretching.

"Lup," Dawn's Pokémon followed, also yawning and stretching.

"Sounds like you and Piplup slept very well," Dawn's mom said, approaching her daughter's bed.

"Yeah, we sure did," Dawn said as she was getting out of bed to give her mother a hug.

"I would imagine after the exciting journey you had over in the Hoenn region."

"You can say that again. It was a lot of fun. Though I'm still kinda bummed about losing in the Grand Festival again..."

"I'd say you did spectacular, honey. You were up against some tough Coordinators, so getting to the final round was no easy feat. I'm proud of you, and you should be, too."

"Thanks, Mom."

"So, do you have any plans for what you would like to do next?"

"No clue. I didn't think about that, yet."

"Well, have you seen any of your friends lately, even on your journey?"

"Oh, I definitely did!"

Dawn's mother chuckled at the instant excitement her daughter had with meeting up with her friends again. It made her feel comfortable knowing that she really isn't alone, even though she had her Pokémon by her side all the way. "Why don't you tell me more about it after you get yourself together?" She suggested.

"Sure!" Dawn said in excitement. "I'll be down in a minute!"

"Take your time, sweetie. There's no need to rush."

"No need to worry, Mom! I'd say I did well with managing my time on my journey!"

"Well, when you tell me not to worry, that's when I start to worry the most."

"Sigh, I should've seen that coming."

Dawn's mother chuckled as she was exiting the bedroom, and headed downstairs to the kitchen to cook breakfast. Meanwhile, Dawn was cleaning up her room, changed out of her pajamas, and put on her trusty tank top with a miniskirt outfit. After changing her clothes, she gave her blue hair a nice brushing to get rid of her bedhead, but didn't attach the hair clips she normally wears. Since she had no current plans of traveling right now, there's really no need for her to do so. Dawn then put on her comfy pink slippers, exited her bedroom, and made her way downstairs with Piplup following her.

"Good timing, breakfast is almost ready!" Dawn's mom said, watching her daughter come to the table.

"Sweet!" Dawn cheered. "I sure missed your cooking!"

"Aren't you glad I taught you a few meals to make before you left for Hoenn?"

"Oh, Mom, you have no idea how helpful that was! I even found a few recipes myself while I was traveling!" She added as she was showing her mom some of the meals she cooked on her smartphone.

Dawn Of A New Reunion: A Pearlshipping One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now