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Getting to know me?

I hope you do!

I am a kind of emotional writer.
I usually tend to capture raw emotions from people around me, and myself, writing it down into words. By words, I mean simple ones.

My style of writing sticks on to the twist productive, cliffhanger, simple, raw, playing with emotion type.

Yeah! As you see, I love bringing twists & turns and cliffhangers, to my chapters!

Being a very ardent reader(I can't say I'm completely well read, but I have had my share of reading), I try not to make my story follow a cliche path, or rather too much identical.

Yes, I let my stories or poems be inspired from someone or something, but not identical.

I try bringing out me in my writings.

And to be frank, reading talents up here, and in other sites, I can never say I am a great writer.

But I produce something genuine from me. That i am confident(I am not being cocksure right now).

And talking about my work, THE UNLIKELY ROMANCE, i frankly have no idea, where this is leading me to.

The only thing i planned was, this story must have a happy ending.

So i sit down, whenever i am free, and in a mood to write, and wait for words to form.
It comes to me. I search it, and it answers me.
So if I were to be asked, "what happens in the next chapter?", Believe me, I'm totally clueless.

This story, and the people, are very close to my heart. So is my readers. So this work, is very important to me.

And to share a something with you!

In the previous chapters, we encountered a scene, where Jin almost died.

While writing it, all my intentions of a happy ending, was being faltered.

The emotional writer in me, wanted to actually kill my KSJ! (I too was stunned!)

But, I didn't want to cry myself. So I decided 3 options,

1. Jin dies and Rin follows.
2. Jin lives, lying forever in a coma
3. Happily ever after

Well You will see what I chose in the next chapter. LOL!

But please don't kill me!

Anyway, I only know the first 2 or 3 lines of the next chapter.

We will see, how the rest turns out!

And a whooping thanks to my great friends.
MelbourneKim Oshianus heidi_nadine kimijupajebts satheedevi Crystal_snow_kookie Wei_wei__ miki_miraichan Manasalove

Thanks for being there in my life❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜


And moonjin97 you inspire me, and I love all your works❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜💜💜💜 And yeah! We both love Kim SeokJin!

He is cute!!!

Well, thanks for bearing with me in patience!

The chapters soon end!
Epilogue, and the promised oneshot of the secondary couples remain!

Love you all💜💜

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