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Twilight has been called to canterlot for an important she has now found out the discord someone who was supposed to help has been turned against them.

Twilight:I can't believe discord could do this i Thought he was our friend.

Celestia:I know but we must move on,now that terek has discord on his side he'll be able to get more magic including ours.

Luna:Luckily we have found a way so terek dose not get it.

Twilight:And what way is that?


Celestia:We must red ourselves of our magic!


Celestia:It's the only way twilight.

Twilight:*thinks about it*If this is a role i am ment to play as a princess of equestria then ill get rid of my magic.

Luna:You misunderstand Twilight our magic can't just go away someone has have our magic.

Celestia:That someone is YOU Twilight

Twilight:Why me?

Cadence:*walks up to twilight* Because cause you represent the element of magic and you have overcome so much.

Twilight:I know but i am still learning how to use my own alicorn magic to take on even more I-

Celestia:I know but i know can do it twilight you have accomplish so much.

Twilight: Your right if this is a role i am ment to play then i galdy do it with the help of my friends il-

Luna: We are sorry twilight but you must go on this path alone.

Twilight: WHAT!!!

Twilight was shocked she had never had done anything this important without her friends they had always been by her side.

Celestia:I am sorry twilight but if you're friends find out about this it could put them in great danger.

Twilight:*sigh*i see i still except.

Celestia:Good but before we continue we must explain a few things.

Twilight:alright what to i need to know.

Celestia:Alright first off as soon as we give you our magic you must leave equestria at once.

Twilight:WHAT WHY!?

Celestia:it's because no one and i mean no one must find out where you are for your safety.

Twilight:I see but where will i go?

Celestia: That i have figured out you i have an old friend who is aware of our problems they have agreed to help us by giving you some place to hide.

Twilight:I see but that still doesn't answer WHERE?

Celestia:You will go to a land called modius.


Thats the end of the prolog i hope you enjoyed this and i will be writing the next chapter soon maybe right now but i hope you enjoyed.☺☺☺☺💕💕💕
(I own nothing but the storyline and idea's)

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