The Stranger's Gift

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The talent show was just like any other out there. The stage, judges, the talented and talentless all wrapped up in front of a whole audience. Certain people pranced around and the whole crowd goes wild with howls and hoots. Others would appear and the crowd merely acknowledged them with a round of applause.

But for one particular boy a complete different reaction erupted. Instead of astonished stares and proud grins there were unfriendly sneers. Clapping and cheering was replaced with people pointing their thumbs down and groaning with hatred.

Rumors were like a whirling wildfire. One person's experience is shared and suddenly the whole school knows.

Deadly they were, most still don't understand that. Bullies arise, insecurity sets in, fights brew up, blood is drawn, and relationships are severely damaged. In his case, he applied to all.

He stood there nervously as terms such as 'queer,' 'fag' and every swear following it were passed around in the crowd before him. They weren't the least bit secretive, for he could hear them clear as day. When he presented himself and his talent into the microphone, the audience's cruelty increased tenfold.

Despite this, the shaken boy attempted to perform without faults.

Somewhere in the crowd sat a complete stranger whose anger began to bubble. They stared at the stumbling boy on stage and heard laughter sprouting in every direction.

Suddenly the unknown individual rose from their seat, ignored the odd stares and the butterflies flittering around in the pit of their stomach, and preceded towards the stage.

The stranger came to a halt at a large decorative vase and extracted a simple red flower from its contents. Soon after they stepped up on stage then presented their gift to the trembling boy. A confused silence stung the crowd.

"Screw the people. Be yourself."

For once, the boy truly smiled.

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