Chapter 2:New form and a journey on her own

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   Shortly after twilight pasties the tree of harmony she takes out the map,scroll,and book luna gave her first she opens the scroll takes a long look at it, unsure.

    Twilight:In order to hide my identity i have to do this.

  Then she starts to perform the spell but with her add in alicorn power its hard to control but she was able to do it but not before causing a puff of smoke to appear

    Twilight:*cough**cough* did it work?

Then she takes a look at herself,she was on two legs,she had a lavender coat much like her pony coat,and she had on a dress similar to her human form but the blue top was light purple instead she also had on a pink bracelet,then she went to fell her hair she felt something new.

  Twilight:*Thinks*(wait are these...CAT EARS wait.....*looks behind her*AND WHERE ARE WINGS AND IS THAT CAT TAIL!!!!!)

    Then *poof* her wings appear twilight takes notices and takes off her sack now backpack off of her,then she notices that her bracelet started to glow,
Then all the things she had packed started to flout

  Twilight:*looks at the bracelet*This must be a new form of my horn so i still have my magic,I have already wasted so much time i should start moving.

   And with that twilight puts on her backpack and by using her magic takes all the floating items (except the map and book)back into her backpack the she opens the map to mobius and takes a look at it before looking up ahead of her.

    Twilight:I guess i should start now.

  Then she closes the map carries it in her hand while holding the book in her other had starting to read it as she walks further and further away from her home starting a journey.....

                         On Her Own

Sorry if it is short and don't worry shadow will be in the next chapter
(I think)


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