The News Report

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The next morning, Kelsey was making breakfast. And Angie, Robert, and Stephanie were watching the RealSyd Bulletin.

Interviewer Miku: Welcome to RealSyd Bulletin. I'm Sydney Watkins, and thank you for tuning in. Our top story today consists of a brand new virus called COVID-21. Our most feared criminal, Haou Yuki, is the mastermind behind this virus. So far, it has infected only one person. And that's our own savior of Negi Root, Ciel DuBlois. Last night, some mysterious black mist surrounded him and he fell unconscious. As of right now, he is still in this state.

Silent Voice: Poor Ciel...

Interviewer Miku: Will there be any other victims? Will there even be a cure? Stay tuned for any updates on this story.

She paused for a minute.

Agitation: What's going on?

Robert: Maybe some news came up.

Interviewer Miku: This just in. All of the Len modules, and that means ALL of them, are now infected with COVID-21. Because of this, everywhere is going to be closed until further notice. Stay home, Negi Root City.

Silent Voice: Oh no. Isaiah!

Agitation: Haou will pay for this.

Kelsey: Guys, breakfast is done.

Silent Voice: I don't feel like eating.

Robert: You have to try, Stephanie.

After breakfast, Angie went upstairs to check on Ciel.

Agitation: Soleil?

Soleil's spirit appeared.

Soleil: I heard what happened.

Agitation: Can you try to cure him?

Soleil: I already did, and with no success.

Agitation: So, is this new virus like COVID-19?

Soleil: It seems to be. You notice Ciel's skin?

Angie saw that Ciel's skin was paler than before.

Agitation: Oh no.

Soleil: His head also feels warm. He's running a fever.

Agitation: Well, that's not bad, right?

Soleil: So this has similar symptoms to COVID-19. I'm surprised Haou infected all of the Len modules with this virus in a short amount of time.

Agitation: Yeah. Um, it okay to touch him? Like I won't have to wear a face mask or gloves or anything?

Soleil: I don't know.

Stephanie came upstairs.

Silent Voice: How is he?

Agitation: He didn't wake up yet. His skin is paler now, and he's also running a fever.

Silent Voice: So this is kinda like COVID-19.

Soleil: Yeah. Also, what's with the Moon Maiden business?

Agitation: Haou captured him. He'll be able to do what he wants with him.

Silent Voice: We can't let that happen!

Soleil: She's right.

Silent Voice: I tried talking to any of the Natsu-P Lens. They didn't answer. Haou really got all of the Lens.

Agitation: ...He didn't get EVERY Len module.

Soleil: Angie, you heard Sydney. Every Len got infected with COVID-21.

Agitation: Well, what about Trickster? He's a Len module, too.

Silent Voice: Angie, we've been over this. Trickster is gone. He's not coming back.

Agitation: But he's not dead. He just left Earth.

Silent Voice: Are you saying we should seek Trickster's help?

Agitation: Yes. He could help us go to Dark World, rescue the Moon Maiden, and find a cure for this COVID-21.

Soleil: I mean, that is an option.

Agitation: Stephanie, what do you want to do? It's up to you.

Silent Voice: ...I still don't trust Trickster. But Ciel, Isaiah, and every other Len module's lives are on the line. ...I'll stay here with Ciel.

Agitation: Okay. I'm not forcing you to join me on this adventure.

Silent Voice: But you'll be all alone.

Agitation: No, I won't. I'll borrow Ciel's golden locket again. The ghosts will help me.

Silent Voice: Alright.

Angie took Ciel's golden locket off of his neck and put it around her own.

Agitation: I'll be back soon, Ciel. I promise.

She kissed his head.

Agitation: Okay, Kasha. Take me to Trickster's monochrome world.

Kasha: You got it.

In a flash of gold, Angie disappeared, leaving Stephanie alone with Ciel.

Well, there you have it. If any of my friends want to write the next part where Angie finds Trickster and tells him about COVID-21 and all of the Lens being infected, they can. I'll see you guys in the next story!

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