Chapter 5

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-: Chapter 5:-

“Crystal? What are you doing sleeping here?” Dad’s words awoke me from my slumber.

  Remembering the events of last night, I quickly sat up and looked around.

Jaspar was gone and so was all evidence that he had been here at all. The blanket that I had given him last night was currently on my legs. 

Dad stood by the front door, his uniform already on.

 “I…uh…I guess I fell asleep here.” I finally answered his question.

He simply nodded. “Well, I’m off to work. Bye, Crys.” He kissed the top of my head.

“Bye, Dad.” I smiled. “Go kick some ass for me.”

He laughed loudly. “Will do, kiddo.”

He left the house in a hurry, afraid he might not be able to grab a coffee before work.

I pushed the blanket off of me when I felt a paper scraping against my leg. “What the –?” I pulled a sticky note off of the soft fabric of the blanket. It was a note from Jaspar.


Thank you for letting me stay the night. I really appreciate it, though I don’t really show it.

Now as promised, I’ll leave you alone from this moment on. You can forget all about me and go on with your life.


P.S. thanks for the blanket (by the way you looked cold)

P.P.S. I stole more food

I read and reread the small almost unreadable scrawl that is Jaspar’s handwriting. Curiosity clouded my mind, inviting many unwanted questions. I tried my very best to ignore them all as I made my way into the kitchen for breakfast.

The house is way too quiet for my liking. My thoughts wandered and I soon found myself missing Jas. I had no idea why I missed his recklessness and his irritating comments and the way he didn’t care for anything besides himself and the money he stole.

‘He cares about you’ a small voice inside me whispered.

She was right. He was the one who saw that I was cold and placed the blanket on me, he said so in the letter. Though I was the one who gave him that blanket in the first place, but that doesn’t matter.

That was only one time. He did only one thing for me while I helped him with his whole criminal business. What was with that anyways? Why did he rob that bank? Why was he so desperate for that money? Why was he completely different at school? Why does he like people to ignore him and leave him alone?

So many questions. No answers. Jaspar said so himself, he’d leave me alone. Last night never happened. I needed to forget all about it.

To help with that, I called up Sophia after breakfast. I could really go for a trip to the bookstore.

Half an hour later, Sophia pulled up in her old purple 1970 challenger. She worked her ass off to prove to her grandmother that she needed her old car. It was a little beat up and rusty but Sophia loved it to bits.

She honked the horn multiple times to warn me that she had arrived, though her blasting Arctic Monkeys already did the trick.

“Can you turn it down?” I asked her, getting into the passenger seat. “I’ve got a headache.”

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