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Kirito enters a Tavern and walks up to the counter and says, "Strongest you have. I need it after the day I had..."

"Show me your age kid," the bartender replied.

Kirito showed his player card and the man gave him a drink.

"What's your story?" the bartender asked after a moment.

"My arrogance caused the deaths of others," Kirito replied, his voice leadened with guilt.

The bartender was silent. He didn't know what to say to Kirito. But luckily, a man walked up to him and said, "I can help you atone for your sins."

"How so?" Kirito asked, before taking another sip of his drink. "The only way for me to atone for my sins, is death. Are you planning to kill me?"

The man shook his head. "No," the man replied. "I am going to give you something that will make you the most dangerous player in this accursed game."

"And that is?" Kirito asked, as he downed the last of his drink before ordering a second.

The man leaned towards Kirito and whispered, "Assassination techniques that allow you to kill anyone without penalty and even in safe zones. Of course, you'd have to follow three tenants or you'll become a red player."

"I don't want to kill," Kirito replied.

"What if the ones you kill are not green players, but instead red players?" the man asked, causing Kirito to pause in his drinking.

Setting his drink down, Kirito said, "Only if I don't kill green players, will I listen to what you have to say."

The man smiled.

"Good," he replied. "Tomorrow morning, come to the Forest of Eden outside of this village. If you decide to come tomorrow, your training will begin but if you don't, then you'll never see me again."

Kirito nodded and the man walked out of the bar, leaving the Swordsman to drown his sorrows in alcohol.

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