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You were just a normal middle schooler, walking home from school. That's what it seemed like anyways, in reality, you were a ridiculously powerful yet innocent ( somewhat careless ) girl who could defeat villains with just one punch.

You didn't have a particularly tragic backstory, your parents had died when you were eight. Your aunt was your caretaker, well, more like legal guardian. She didn't live with you, she just paid your living expenses. She always complained that she had to pay for your things, but how else is one supposed to survive? Go out hunting for your food and live in an abandoned shack in the wilderness? Well, she'd actually suggested things along the lines of that before.

Sighing, you though about the day's homework. 'Yeah, no way.' You though to yourself. You weren't the brightest, but hey, you could add up the amount that your shopping would cost when you went to the grocery store, right?

'Agh, I should've asked someone for help.' Your day was going awfully, not to mention some rampaging villain had destroyed your entire balcony. They ripped it straight off, whoosh, just like that. 'Aunties gonna scream at me for that one.' You though, dreading the call you would inevitably have to make.

Not that you hadn't gotten revenge on the villain, they had some sort of mutant quirk that made them turn into a sort of bird. Whatever it was it was poultry and you weren't gonna waste it.

'Ah, back already huh.' You realised, jumping back into reality.

// At School / / Start Of Class //

"Hello class." Your very disinterested and somewhat hung over teacher began. "Today, we'll be looking at career choices, not that we really need to. You all wanna be heroes, yeah?" He said flatly, massaging his temples.

"Yes sir!" A majority of the class spurted, showing off their quirks in response. Long fingers, elongated limbs, loud noises. It was honestly a pain. "Oh yeah, that's right, (l/n) didn't you want to be in UA's hero course?" At this the class quieted, seemingly surprised that anybody would even bother trying to get in to the prestigious academy.

"Their acceptance rates are super low..."

"I know she's crazy strong but can she even make it in?"

"Huh, oh yeah." You said distantly, not really caring much for the classes conversation. There was a bit more discussion after that but it quickly settled down. You just zoned out for the rest of the lesson, as you usually did, before being snapped out of your daze by the sudden ringing of the bell.

You gathered your belongings, ready to head out to lunch, but you were stopped by a somewhat flustered boy. Not that you noticed he was flustered, just that he seemed nervous.

"U-Uhm, (l/n)... C-Could you meet me behind the gym at the end of the day?" He said, tripping over his own words. "Oh, sure." You said flatly, just wanting to go eat lunch, alone, outside. What was his name again? Maksi? Maki? Matso?

"T-Thanks!" He exclaimed before walking back over to his friends who were, for some reason, patting him on the back and giving him proud looks. You didn't stick around, speeding out the door and leaving a small dent in your wake.

// Behind The Gym // End Of Day //

"What did you want, Mai?" You said, using the nickname to hide the fact that you didn't know your classmates name. Apparently it made him blush, unbeknownst to you. You were pretty daft sometimes

"W-Will you go out with me!" He said, bowing at a ninety degree angle. "Oh, sure." You said nonchalantly, you'd never had a boyfriend before. You were just curious as to what it was like. "S-Seriously?" He said seemingly doubting you. "Yeah, can I have your number?" You said drawing out your phone as the two of you exchanged contacts.

You learned the boys name, Matsuo Eiji. Pretty boring. He seemed overjoyed at dating you. For no apparent reason, according to you. 'What the hell do couples do?' You thought, now confused and sort of lost. 'Do I kiss him?'

You lingered on the thought before deciding to lean in and give him a small peck on the cheek, sending him into a hot flush. "I-I, U-Uhm..." he trailed off gazing at you with large eyes. "Bye bye, Mai. Or should I call you by your first name as we're dating now?" You questioned, more to yourself than him.

"P-Please call me Eiji!" He sort of shouted before covering his mouth in embarrassment. "Ok, Eiji." You said, giving a small bow in which he returned.

// The Walk Home //

You heard loud explosions and screaming, along with the smell of smoke, immediately piquing your curiosity. Following the sound, you came to the shopping district, where a blonde boy was trapped by a slime villain, all while the pro heros stood back. It sucked that they were all cowards but it couldn't be helped. As you were going to leave, you saw a green haired boy rushing past the barriers. What the hell.

Without thinking you broke through the barrier, rushing after the reckless boy who was now aimlessly tearing at the sludge. You tore him back, pulling him away from the villain with bone crushing strength. He tried resisting but it was futile. All of a sudden, a large figure came into view, simply pulverising the slime creature. All might. You sighed, knowing this fiasco was over. You released the boy and dusted yourself off. "You ok?" You said looking up at him. "Y-Yeah..."

"What were you thinking!" You looked up to see a pro hero scolding the two of you. Kamui woods, right? "Huh? I was saving him." You said gesturing to the boy. "It wasn't safe!" He reasoned waving his hands, exaggerating his point. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, and others for that matter." You said, shooting him a small glare. "I highly doubt that! You're just a kid!" he doubted, putting his face, or, well mask, in his hands exhaustedly.

Meanwhile, the green haired boy just looked back and forth between the two of you. He got more concerned as you said "You have no way of proving that I wouldn't beat you in a fight." She was clenching her fists and getting into a fighting stance. Kamui woods just laughed. "I don't fight kids-" before he could finish his sentence, you swung. You stopped barely an inch from his face. There was a huge cloud of dust and when it cleared, you could see a large crater and even further destruction. Kamui just stood there, startled and honestly, deep down, slightly scared.

"I know what I was doing." She said turning to the green boy, who was in awe at this point. "Hey, I'm (l/n) (f/n)." The boy was surprised by her bipolar mood, expecting her to be harsh towards him as well. "I-I'm Midoriya Izuku." He said, amazing himself at the fact he was talking to a girl. "Would you like to exchange numbers?" She said drawing out her phone. "A-Ah sure!" He stuttered out, going even further into shock at the fact he was getting a girls number.

"Bye bye, text me later ok?" She said drawing him into a small, quick hug. "O-Ok!" He sort of yelled. She left, waving a small goodbye before leaving.

'Oh my god I talked to a girl! I even hugged her!' He internally screeched.

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I might write more of this, might get bored and give it up. Who knows. You have hair by the way.

One Punch Student ⌁ bnha x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now