chatper 1 ("thanks for the add cutie")

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I logged on to my my yearbook page and there it was the message that started everything and hat changed my life forever .

messages abimael: " thanks for the add cutie :)" 

i stared at the message smiling but like not like awe omg kinda way like as if i had a crush but like smiling cause it made me happy and it was cute. i quickly replied and sent it 

message Lizzy: " ya no problem :)"

i put my phone back down next to me on the couch were i was laying on, also known as were i sleep, i was at my moms for the weekend as always.

we talked for a while that night and before we went to bed he sent me a  message saying "hey im like mad tired so hmu tomorrow if you want night" after that i fell asleep

the next day i woke up and noticed my phone screen was on and checked it i had amessage and it read 

message abimael: " hey good morning cutie :)"

my eyes widened at the message in front of my eyes wow he actually messaged me back i thought to my self surprised .

i layed there and typed a quick message 

message lizzy; good morning :)

after i sent the text i fell back asleep and started to dream about the guy i started talking to just yesterday, in my dream we were at the beach having a picknic wich was weird cause i  dont even know his name yet well i dont know how to say it at least. i felt awkward that i had a dream about some guy iv only talk to for barly a day. 

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