Bedtime (Phan)

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“Why doesn’t Slenderman have a face”? Phil asked randomly as he was scrolling though Tumblr. 

“I don’t know it’s just how he was programmed”. Dan answered with a chuckle. This was how there weekends were spend. Enjoying each others company as they surfed the web, random questions coming from there mouths and tried kisses being passes around. 

“Well I have a face”. Phil said poking his cheek. 

“Yes you do, so does every other human in mankind”.

“Slenderman doesn’t”.

“Does Slenderman look human to you”? Dan asked with a laugh.


“Well that answers that question”. Dan said ruffling Phil hair. A few moments passed before they said anything else, Phil being the first to talk.

“What if instead of a head I just have a bowl of freshly steamed vegetables”? He asked looking up from his computer to see Dan’s response. 

“Yep, ok. I think I might be Phil’s bed time, enough computer”. Dan said slowly closing Phil’s computer, the light from it turning off leaving Phil’s face hidden in darkness. 

“But im not tired, 5 more minutes”. Phil begged pulling a puppy dog face. 

“You just asked me what if you face was vegetables, im worried for you mental health. Just go to bed, get some sleep. You’ll be normal in the morning”. Dan chuckled patting Phil’s head.

“But im to lazy to get up”.

“And that’s my problem how”? 

Phil reached his hands up like he was trying to grab something but there was nothing there, “Carry me”?


“Carry me, im to lazy. Just carry me to bed”. Phil whined continuing to reach his arms out.

“And what power on earth will make me carry you”? Dan asked with a grin.

“because you love me”. Phil grinned back.

Dan sighed, knowing he was going to lose this one, “Your right I do”. Dan muttered.

“Then carry me”. Phil whined. Dan chuckled, shaking his head at himself. He stood up and leaned down so Phil could wrap his arms around his neck. Dan took his arms and wrapped his under Phil’s two legs picking his up. He weighed as much as a feather. “This is the only time on earth im ever going to do this”. Dan said as he walked down the hall way. Phil rested his head upon Dan’s chest and grinned. 

“You said that last night when you carried me to bed”. Phil said sleepily.

Dan sighed, knowing he would do anything for Phil. “Your lucky I’v done it that many times”. Dan took Phil to bed, lightly dropping him as he squirmed to get under the duvet in the cold fall air. Dan turned the lamp off next to the bed and kissed his lightly on the head. “Goodnight”. He said quietly, he was about to shut the door when he herd Phil talk again.

“When are you coming”? He asked quietly, Dan was surprised he herd him.

“Whenever I get tired”. Dan answered softly leaning in the doorway. Phil reached his hand out, not opening his eyes but inviting him in. Dan sighed shutting the door with him inside as he crawled into the space next to Phil. 

“I love you Dan”. Phil lightly muttered.

“I love you more”. Dan grinned finding his hand under the duvet.

“I love you most”.

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