Chapter 1: Rise and Shine

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The sun peaked over the thick woods that surrounded the Oletus manor, the brilliant golden light seeping it's way through the fog and casting light on a rather tall and thin figure, the figure was that of Jack the Ripper. Jack was sleeping standing up by the front gates yet again, he did this nearly ten times a month, and this morning was no exception.

Eventually the sun rose high enough to peek through the window of a certain gardener named Emma Woods. The sun shone directly on Emma's closed eyes as she slept, which caused her to wake up, she whined in annoyance and contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep like she always did, but then her eyes snapped open. Today was the day.

"Yahoooo!" Emma shouted as she leapt out of bed, unfortunately she tripped and faceplanted as soon as her foot touched the floor, but she didn't care on account of today being so special. Emma pulled herself off the floor and rubbed her face, she had decided she would be the manor alarm clock today.

She burst the door open, almost taking it off its hinges in the process as she ran down the halls knocking on everyone's doors. Considering it was about 7 AM, most of the other residents either groaned or shouted at Emma when she knocked, but a few actually came to the door. Emma explained that today was the day for the special event everyone was waiting for, everyone knew Emma could go on and on unless they cooperated, so all the other survivors and the hunters, except for Jack, who was still asleep outside, gathered in the Foyer in front of a sort of bulletin board.

For the duration of the last month, there was a sort of competition, the top four survivors that escaped the most and the number one hunter who eliminated the most survivors would be allowed a twenty four hour vacation from the manor, the hunter was mainly there to supervise the survivors so they wouldn't escape and never return.

Miss Nightingale walked into the room and stood near the board. "Now now, I'm sure you know why we're all gathered here today so-" She suddenly stopped talking as she scanned the room, noticing the absence of a certain hunter. "Oh come on is Jack asleep at the gates again? Oh well let's get on with it, we don't need him anyway." She said with a huff.

"Okay, the top Four survivors are as follows:
1st: Lucky Guy
2nd: Tracy Reznik
3rd: Servais Le Roy
4th: Emma Woods."

"And on the Hunter's side, the number one hunter is Leo Beck."

After Miss Nightingale said this she left the room, and most of the survivors or hunters who didn't win weren't far behind her, a few of the others however did stay behind to congratulate the winners.

"Yay I made it! I get to go on the trip!" Emma said excitedly, but unbeknownst to her Kreacher Pierson was sneaking up behind her, the Thief was a creepy little man who wanted nothing more than to grab Emma and do creepy things to her, but before he could get close enough a rather large hand clamped onto his shoulder and Kreacher stiffened in fear.

The large hand belonged to Leo, the Hell Ember himself, he looked at Kreacher with a disappointed, angry look. "You leave my daughter alone or I'm gonna shove my plush shark where the sun don't shine." Kreacher turned his head slowly, as soon as he saw Leo's expression, his own expression became a lot more fearful, and when he heard Leo's words he almost instantly made a mad dash from the room.

Emma watched Kreacher run out of the room, then she noticed Leo behind her. "Good morning dad! Is Kreacher being weird again?" Emma asked, completely oblivious to his true intentions. "Yeah, he was right behind you, didn't you notice?" Leo had an 'are you serious?' Look on his face as he listened to his daughter. "Nope! I was too busy looking at the board, we both won! Can we please go on a camping trip? It's been such a long time since we've done that together!"

Before Leo even had the time to respond, the other three winning survivors were beside Emma, they all practically spoke at once. "Ooh camping sounds fun, can I bring my robot?" Tracy asked excitedly. "I can do some campfire magic tricks!"Servais said as he waved his magic stick around. "Uh I dunno guys doesn't camping sound err... dangerous?" As soon as Lucky said this the other three turned to look at him simultaneously, almost like wolves that had spotted prey. "Aww c'mon Lucky pleeeeease?" The three asked in unison. "Oh alright fine, but don't come crying to me if you all get mauled by a bear or something." Lucky said, shivering at the thought as he adjusted his glasses.

"Relax kid, no ones gonna get mauled by a bear, or hurt in any other way, not on my watch." "Yay Dad! Does that mean we can go camping?" "Yes Emma, it does." Reeeaaally?! Yay!" Emma practically threw herself into a hug with Leo, who held her with one arm and patted her head with his free hand. "And Tracy, I'm sorry but you're gonna have to leave the robot here." Leo said as he gently set Emma down. "What?! I can't! I need my robot..." She said as she looked down. Leo sighed before speaking again. "Come on Tracy, you won't need it in the tent, in fact it could cause a fire, You four are my responsibility now, and I can't risk any of you getting hurt." Leo's fatherly instincts were getting the better of him, he wouldn't hesitate to leave Tracy at the manor if she wouldn't cooperate. "Oh alright, you're no fun." Tracy pouted. "Yay camping trip!" Emma cheered, and despite Lucky's earlier apprehension and Tracy's sour mood after being told no robots, all four began to cheer loudly about the camping trip.

"Okay everyone, go to your rooms and pack your essentials." Leo said, as he watched the survivors head off towards their respective rooms. About 10 minutes later they all came running back, Tracy had a small bag some food in it, Servais had by far the largest bag, it was full of magic stuff, Emma had her toolkit, which was full of assorted tools and camping equipment, Lucky had only brought one thing, a spare pair of glasses.

Leo looked gave one last look over the survivors, and nodded his head in approval. "Okay, are we all ready?" Leo asked. "Yup!" All four replied in unison. "Oh boy, this is gonna be one BECK of a camping trip!" Leo said with a laugh as he opened the manor's front door.


Hi! This is the author here, if you're reading this, if you would be so kind as to leave a review it would make my day, I'm looking for as much feedback as I can get, so anything helps.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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